News Stories - Page 79

A cowpea curculio on Southern pea. CAES News
UGA entomologist, graduate student searching for ways to control cowpea curculio
Southerners love crowder, purple hull and black-eyed peas; so do cowpea curculios, a weevil that feeds on Southern peas. University of Georgia researchers in Tifton are working to eliminate this pest, which causes substantial yield losses to Southern peas grown in south Georgia.
March is the ideal time to plant cauliflower in a spring garden, but it can also be planted in September or October. CAES News
Cauliflower looks to become king of the early spring garden
Move over kale, cauliflower is the new king of the cruciferous vegetables. Popping up on menus, in food magazines and soon at farmers markets, cauliflower is set to become 2015’s ‘it’ vegetable. Sushi, pizza crust, Alfredo sauce, sloppy Joes and fried rice are just some of the foodstuffs people are making with cauliflower.
Fall is not the best time to prune most trees and shrubs. It is best to wait until late winter, around February or early March. CAES News
Time to shake off those winter blues with garden planning and yard projects
Bleak winter landscapes and cold, uninviting temperatures can try a gardener’s patience. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia CAES News
UGA researchers breeding more profitable seed for organic farmers
The market for organic produce increases every year as does the number of farmers stepping up to meet that demand, but the number of seed companies catering this growing market is still relatively limited.
UGA Extension consumer horticulturist Bob Westerfield checks bean plants for signs of disease and insects on the UGA campus in Griffin. Westerfield grows vegetables at work to be prepared to answer home gardener questions. He grows them at home for his dinner table. CAES News
UGA expert offers advice for new small-scale farmers
Backyard gardeners thinking of turning their hobby into a business should start small, according to University of Georgia consumer horticulturist Bob Westerfield.
Pictured is the muscadine variety 'Hall'. CAES News
UGA releases new muscadine variety
The new University of Georgia muscadine is golden and ripens early, making it an attractive choice for consumers and Georgia farmers.