News Stories - Page 74

Pecans on the ground in an orchard on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
Pecan blog useful tool in UGA reaching growers across the world
A pecan blog is helping University of Georgia Cooperative Extension horticulture specialist Lenny Wells reach growers in Georgia and across the world.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the University of Georgia's new turfgrass research and education facilities included, left to right, UGA doctoral student Becky Grubbs; Pamela Whitten, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost; Griff Doyle, vice president for government relations; Jennifer Frum, vice president for public service and outreach; Rep. Terry England (R-Auburn); Tommy Hopkins, regent of the University System of Georgia; UGA President Jere W. Morehead; Scott Angle, dean and director of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Ken Morrow, president of Sod Atlanta Inc.; and Sen. John Wilkinson (R-Dist.50). CAES News
UGA breaks ground on new turfgrass research and education facilities
More than 200 people gathered June 24 for a groundbreaking ceremony that brought new turfgrass research and education facilities on the University of Georgia’s campuses in Griffin, Tifton and Athens one step closer to completion.
A couple browses this year's collection of annuals at The Trial Gardens at UGA during the industry open house in June. The gardens' staff will be hosting its annual Public Open House on July 18. CAES News
The Trial Gardens at UGA to host open house July 18
For more than three decades, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia have introduced thousands of new plant varieties to home gardeners and landscape designers. From 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 18, the public will have the opportunity to get a first-hand glimpse of these new varieties and other Georgia favorites at the gardens’ annual open house.
A pair of sunburnt watermelons sit in a field in Tift County. CAES News
Soaring temperatures have watermelon farmers feeling the heat
High summer temperatures and intense sun could reduce Georgia's end-of-season watermelon production this year, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist Tim Coolong. Because of the increased heat over the past week, risk of sunburn for watermelons in the field has been high. If watermelons do scald, they may not be marketable, which may reduce farmers’ normal timeframe for selling their crop.
UGA's new turfgrass research facility in Tifton will include new greenhouses and a headhouse to support UGA's expanding warm-season turf breeding program. CAES News
UGA to hold groundbreaking ceremony for new turfgrass research facilities
State, industry and University of Georgia officials will take shovel to soil on June 24 at 2 p.m. as they officially break ground on three new turfgrass research and education facilities. The largest of the facilities will be located in Griffin on Higgins Road just west of the main parking lot, where the ceremony will take place. UGA campuses in Athens and Tifton will house additional structures.
Georgia is now home to more than 360 community and school gardens. Many serve as important community gathering and educational spaces while others provide important access to fresh vegetables in areas with limited access to produce. CAES News
UGA Cooperative Extension working for Georgia's community gardens and urban homesteaders
Traditionally, Cooperative Extension has served the nation by bringing sustainable, science-based agricultural practices to farmers in rural areas. Today, in cities throughout the nation Extension agents are being called on the assist community farmers and gardeners to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, okra and even chickens on abandoned lots, church and school yards.