Minor and Certificates
Minor in Horticulture
The Minor in Horticulture provides students from across campus to take a block of horticulture courses to supplement their degree. It is common for students to take one horticulture course as an elective, get hooked, and decide to pursue a minor if it is too late for them to switch to horticulture altogether. Many find the opportunity to take hands-on courses, get outdoors, and learn about the plant world an excellent use of their elective course time. A number of students have used the horticulture minor as a springboard to a career in horticulture or advanced study.
The horticulture minor provides a broad background in horticulture and provides a great deal of flexibility. Students that minor in horticultureIf are required to take at least 15 hours of directed coursework. Horticulture minors are insured preferred access to popular courses that often fill before the start of the semester.
View the Course Requirements for a Horticulture Minor
Minors in other Degrees while earning a B.S.A. in Horticulture
Through careful selection of electives, students majoring in Horticulture can often fulfill requirements for minors and certificates in complementary progrms without extending graduation time. Students with an interest in minors and/or certificate programs are encouraged to engage in discussion with the Horticulture Advisor early in their college career. Students that choose a minor or certificate program declare this through Athena similarly to degree selection. Additionally, just like like degree completion requirements, students must apply to receive acknowledgment of completion for both minors and certificates through their respective advisors.
Horticulture majors often supplement their degree with a complimentary minor. Some examples of these minors minors include:

Certificates Programs at UGA
A certificate provides an opportunity to focus on a selected list of courses, often across many disciplines. UGA offers numerous certificates that are described on the Certificates page of the Bulletin. There are many certificates that can help Horticulture students build a more diverse and varied skill set to complement their degree and work experience. Every certificate has a specific list of course requirements and is coordinated by faculty member in the certificate host department. Students enroll in certificates and apply for confirmation of completion in Athena, just like with degree and minor selection.
Some typical certificate programs pursed by horticulture majors are:

Horticulture Undergraduate Advisor
Horticulture Undergraduate Coordinator