The Department of Horticulture invites applications to our MS and PhD programs. Our graduate program emphasizes scientific study and original research. Each student’s program is tailored to meet the needs of that student. Graduates from our program are targeted to fill positions in academia, government, international organizations, and the private sector.
Prospective students can choose among the major commodity areas of fruit and nut crops, vegetables, and ornamentals. Within these commodities, specialization is available in many areas, including environmental conservation, plant physiology, post-harvest, plant development, plant nutrition, biochemistry, product utilization, pest management, sustainable horticulture, breeding, and biotechnology. Departmental assistantships, which include tuition waivers, are available for graduate students starting in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2019.
Applications will be evaluated based on the academic strength and research background of the applicant, as well as the fit with ongoing research programs in the department. For more information, see; or contact the graduate coordinator, Dr. Dayton Wilde. Applications must be submitted on-line at the Graduate School Apply Now page.
All graduate assistantships include a stipend and tuition waiver. Graduate students also have health insurance through the university. Graduate students pay a $25 matriculation fee/semester, as well as any university fees. For more information about fees, see: