Seminar Series

Our fall and spring seminars support Horticulture's graduate research program. Graduate students fill much of the schedule with required research proposals and exit seminars. The Horticulture Seminar Committee and Horticulture Graduate Student Association (HGSA) strive to support professional development with academic and industry guest speakers as well.

UGA faculty, students, staff and their guests are welcome to join each week. Zoom links are provided through the weekly seminar distribution lists via email. For security purposes, zoom information is not provided to non-UGA individuals without a professional or personal connection.

Each fall and spring semester, join us on Wednesdays from 3pm – 4pm for our weekly seminar series. In-person meeting locations are noted below. Occasionally, the time or day of the week will be different. If so, this is noted in the provided schedule.

  • 1205 Miller Plant Sciences (MPS), Athens campus
  • Room TBD, Student Learning Center (SLC), Griffin campus
  • on days with Tifton seminars and any day where we have a guest speaker, the Horticulture Conference Room on the Tifton campus is available



Horticulture Fall 2024 Seminars Series Schedule

Friday, December 6

10:00am - 11:00am

Photoselective Devices and Harvest Intervals on Blueberry Production and Fruit Quality

Amit Godara, MS Exit Seminar
Co-advisors: A. Deltsidis and Z. Rubio Ames. Presenting from NESPAL room 126, Tifton campus

Completed Fall 2024 Seminars

Wednesday, November 20

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Regulation of Early Fruit Growth in Apple

Bayleigh Roussel, PhD Exit Seminar
Advisor: A. Malladi. Presenting from Athens campus

Wednesday, November 13

3:00pm - 3:30pm

Organic Systems Management Tools: Local Effective Microorganisms and High Tunnel Impacts on Organic Vegetable Production

Micah Jones, MS Research Proposal Seminar
Advisor: K. Cassity-Duffey. Presenting from Athens campus


3:30pm - 4:00pm

Breaking New Ground: Improving soils and crop yield for southern farmers transitioning to organic production

Zachary Hirsch-Santagata, MS Research Proposal Seminar
Advisor: K. Cassity-Duffey. Presenting from Athens campus

Wednesday, November 6 - Guest Speaker

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Academic Honesty for Graduate Students

Speaker TBA, UGA Office of Academic Honesty
Horticlture Host, Dr. Savithri Nambeesan. Presenting from Athens campus

Wednesday, October 23 - Guest Speaker

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Joy Green. PhD Candidate, UGA School of Social Work

Horticulture Host: S. Nambeesan. Presenting from the Athens campus

Wednesday, October 16

3:00pm - 3:30pm

Enhancing the Sustainability of Pecan Production through Hedge-pruning in the Southeastern United States

Bailey Rayfield, MS Research Proposal Seminar
Advisor: L. Wells. Presenting from Tifton campus


3:30pm - 4:00pm

Catharanthus roseus hydroponic production and alkaloid elicitation

Matthew Housley, MS Research Proposal Seminar
Advisor: R. Ferrarezi. Presenting from Athens campus

Wednesday, October 9

3:00pm - 3:30pm

Evaluation of Hops Cultivars for Georgia Cultivation

Zach Hutzell, MS Research Proposal
Advisor: D. Zhang. Presenting from Athens campus

Wednesday, October 2

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Crash course on Romanian agriculture

Dr. Stefan-Laurentiu Batrina
Fulbright Grantee AY24-25 & UGA Extension Visiting Scholar
Assistant Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
University of Life Sciences 'King Mihai I' of Timisoara

Horticulture Host, T. Coolong. Presenting from Athens campus

Wednesday, September 25 - No Seminar this week due to ASHS conference

Wednesday, September 18

3:00pm - 3:30pm

Growing, Promoting, and Selling Agricultural Goods in Green Markets: Consumer Preferences for Climate Smart Goods and Economic Profitability of Ogranic Cut Flower Production

Abigail Lauterbach, MS Research Proposal
Advisor: J. Campbell. Presenting from Athens campus

3:30pm - 4:00pm

Consumer Propagation Habits: Exploring Ethics and the Impacts of Stealing Plant Material

Leandria Garrett, MS Research Proposal
Advisor: J. Campbell. Presenting from Athens campus