Horticulture Careers

Visit our Horticulture Jobs site

Our horticulture jobs site is a curated list of job opportunities for students and graduates.

Horticulture Jobs

UGA graduate Gray SimpsonUGA graduate Gray Simpson is a grower for Peace Tree Farm, a certified organic wholesale greenhouse company. Photo credit: Katie Endicott

Why Horticulture?

Careers in horticulture offer hands-on opportunities in agriculture, landscaping, science, and more. Not all horticulturists work outdoors or get their hands dirty every day. In fact, many horticulture graduates work in an office, managing a business, or work in a lab or greenhouse, cloning plants or collecting data.


A Career in Horticulture Looks Like...

UGA's Horticulture program trains students in many aspects of plant science, including production, physiology, nutrition, identification, soils, pest control, and design. Students gain both scientific knowledge and practical skills that prepare them for a variety of professional careers in business, research and education. Some graduates become entrepreneurs and start their own business; others find opportunities in fields related to other physical or biological sciences. The horticulture degree has flexibility to allow students to choose electives to broaden their background in areas like international agriculture, business management, education, journalism, GIS, urban forestry, landscape design, and organic production.


The Future of Horticulture as a Profession

Horticulture is a growing industry with a wide number of job opportunities. With the number of rising food production and environmental problems, a wide number of solutions can be found in horticulture careers.

  • Protecting native plants through propagation and better management
  • Reducing carbon loss in urban environments through tree protection and landscape plantings
  • Using organic and other sustainable practices to grow food crops like fruits, vegetable, and medicinal herbs
  • Improving greenhouses production using hydroponics and LED lighting to grow food anywhere
  • Saving water using drip irrigation, electronic sensors, and rainwater collection
  • Breeding more resilient plants with the latest technology
  • Mapping trees and rare plants to insure they are around for future generations
  • Experimenting and introducing new plants for food and landscape improvement
  • Teaching the next generation of gardeners and horticulturists
  • Using horticulture as a therapy as a treatment


Education and Career Information for Returning Citizens

This guide helps with prior convictions to learn about going to college as it provides information about various grants and scholarships, advocacy programs and resources for ex-offenders, and other vital information to help them earn a degree. Incarcerated individuals are much more likely to return to prison three years after their release if they do not have access to educational opportunities. 


Explore Career Opportunities in Horticulture

Josh Neuman (UGA Horticulture ‘15) planting corn at the Shellman Multi-Crop Irrigation Farm in Shellman, GA. Josh works for the USDA-ARS.Horticulture graduate Josh Neuman planting corn at the Shellman Multi-Crop Irrigation Farm in Shellman, GA. Josh works for the USDA-ARS.
UGA graduate Sierra Mcdonald is a product manager for Front Range Biosciences, a hemp biotech company in Lafayette, CO. In the photo she is evaluating field trials of hemp plants.UGA graduate Sierra Mcdonald is a product manager for Front Range Biosciences, a hemp biotech company in Lafayette, CO. In the photo she is evaluating field trials of hemp plants.
Horticulture graduate Kaylee South went to Ohio State University for a Ph.D. in the floriculture crop improvement lab.
Horticulture graduate Kaylee South pictured at Ohio State University in the floriculture crop improvement lab.