
Undergraduate Coursework in Horticulture


Horticulture offers a variety of interesting courses to students pursing their B.S.A., supplementing a different degree with a horticulture minor or a certificate, or for students just interested in learning about plants. Many students majoring or minoring in horticulture started with one class of interest and got hooked on our hands-on approach to learning the scientific aspects of plant growth and management. Our students enjoy growing plants, taking field trips, and working on our farms. Below is a summary of the courses offered.

You will see many classes with words like environment and sustainability in the title. That is because horticulture is at the nexus of some of the most pressing global issues of today. Our students don’t just talk about problems - they learn how to solve them to make the world a better place to live. Horticulture offers a special problems courses in which students can work one-on-one with a favorite faculty to plan and conduct research or participate in special activities, like the National Collegiate Landscape Competition (NCLC). If something peaks your interest, reach out to our Undergraduate Advisor or to your favorite course instructor.

For a full description of the courses listed on this page, including a syllabus, visit the UGA Bulletin. Note: The Bulletin lists all courses recently taught, some of which are only offered periodically, or based on need. The list of courses below are active and offered on a regular basis.

HORT 1990E

Sociohorticultural Elements of People-Plant Connections: Service-Learning
Study of the economic, environmental, individual, community, and health benefits associated with exposure to and contact with plants. Students will choose activities at the State Botanical Garden to complete twelve hours of volunteer service to gain hands-on experience with plants and observe people around plants.

HORT 2000E

Sustainable Plant Production
Study of the biological, cultural, and environmental factors which influence the sustainable production of plants for human use.

HORT 2100

Horticultural Professionalism
Professional behavior, resume writing, interviewing, and student oral presentations on horticultural topics.

HORT 3000

Wonderful World of Horticulture Plants
Horticultural plant classification, nomenclatures, common identification characteristics, and utilization of vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, flowers, herbs, spices, and beverage plants.

HORT 3010 (Tifton campus only)

Introduction to Vegetable Crops
Botany, general culture, and use of major vegetable crops.

HORT 3020

Introduction to Fruit Crops
Botanical description, geographic distribution, general culture, and culinary uses of the world's major fruit crops.

HORT(AGED) 3030-3030L

Floral Design and Management
An introduction to floral design and management, including the principles and elements of design. Students apply the principles of design and management through laboratory activities. Students explore industry scope and potential. The principles of biology will be applied in the preservation and quality characteristics of floral products.


Viticulture and Enology in the Mediterranean Region
An introduction to the historical and cultural significance of wine production, botany and general culture of grapevines, winemaking and enology, wine appreciation, and the health risks and benefits associated with wine consumption. Taught in Cortona, Italy. Study abroad.

HORT 3200

Hydroponics and Protected and Controlled Environment Horticulture
An overview of the principles and practices of agricultural systems that modify the natural environment in order to enhance and optimize crop production. Manipulation of the crop microenvironment via current technologies and the effects on plant growth will be explored through lecture material, hands-on crop management, and case studies. The emphasis will be on edible horticultural crops and will cover both soil and soilless growing methods, including hydroponics.

HORT 3300E

Organic Gardening
History and principles of organic production and issues of sustainability in growing horticultural crops, with an emphasis on science-based practices. Students will participate in experiential and service-learning gardening activities outside of class.

HORT(ANTH)(PBIO) 3440/3440E

Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants
Historical and contemporary significance of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants in human culture and commerce; chemical and biological characteristics; commercial production techniques; application in modern and traditional medical systems.

HORT 3500-3500L

Herbaceous Perennials I
Identification and environmental needs of herbaceous perennials.

HORT 3510-3510L

Herbaceous Perennials II
Identification and environmental needs of herbaceous ornamental perennials.

HORT 3620

Plant Propagation
Principles and practices for increasing plant numbers with emphasis on the anatomical and physiological basis for various methods.

HORT 3650

Inheritance of Plant Traits
An introduction to the inheritance of important horticultural and agronomic traits, the genetic composition of cultivars, and accessions and seed propagation.

HORT 3720

Woody Plant Identification and Use
Identification and use of woody plants in landscape.

HORT 3910

Horticulture Internship
This class is only open to Horticulture majors. Practical work experience in the operations and management of horticultural enterprises.

HORT 3920

UGArden Internship
Participation in the management and operation of a small-scale, sustainable horticulture farm in a structured learning environment.

HORT 3930

Trial Gardens Internship
Students assist in the operation of the internationally-recognized Trial Gardens at UGA. Tasks include assisting with garden design and maintenance, plant propagation and greenhouse production, interaction with volunteers, and educational programing and outreach under the faculty instructor and garden manager's direction. Student receive systematic instruction but often work independently or in small groups.

HORT 3940S

Botanical Garden Internship
Students assist in the operation of the botanical garden's programs in horticultural design and maintenance, native plant nursery production, plant conservation, and public education under the direction of the faculty instructor and garden staff. Students receive frequent instruction, but often work independently or in small groups.

HORT 4010/6010E

Vegetable Crop Production
The commercial production of vegetables, including planning and management for sustainable and profitable vegetable enterprises, emphasizing research-based practices. Topics include traditional and alternative production systems, such as organics, hydroponics, no-till and plastic culture, and other current practices.

HORT 4030S/6030S

Sustainable Community Food Production
Different dimensions of urban food systems (fruits, vegetables, herbs) from a production perspective. Discussion will include food security, environmental considerations, health and social aspects, and economic implications. A review of current research, field trips to local urban farms, guest speakers and hands-on, service-learning activities working with local community garden projects.

HORT 4050/6050

Greenhouse Management
Principles and practices of the production of greenhouse pot plants, bedding plants, and cut flowers. Emphasis placed on production practices, environmental and operational management, and cost estimation.

HORT 4090/6090

Sustainable Landscape Management and Design
The planting and care of plants in the landscape environment, with a focus on science-based practices that minimize the impact on the environment.

HORT 4091/6091

Professional Horticulture Practices
Overview of  professional horticulture practices such as crop planning, bidding, contract supervision, budgeting and record-keeping.

HORT 4125/6125

Organic Agricultural Systems
Philosophy, policies, and practices related to organic agriculture, including the history and development of organic agriculture, current USDA National Organic Program standards, fundamental crop management techniques (horticultural focus), and the organic market. Practical experiences, such as growing crops and sampling methods, are integrated with lecture material.

HORT(PBGG) 4140/6140

Plant Breeding
Fundamental principles and theories utilized in the science of plant breeding and cultivar development and the role breeding plays in crop improvement.

HORT 4210/6210

Post Harvest Physiology
Examination of postharvest losses from farm to fork, physiology of ripening, postharvest physiology of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and application of technology to extend post harvest shelf life of produce. The course will have a lab component where students will gain hand-on experience with laboratory techniques related to physiology and technology.

HORT 4310/6310

Vineyard Production and Management
Focuses on the basic concepts of viticulture, concerning the productive commercial management practices required across a variety of grape production systems (juice, raisin, table, wine). Students will learn the basics of vine physiology, soil and water quality, plant health management, vineyard establishment practices, such as site selection and design, labor, and production economics, and be introduced to the methods used to assess fruit quality.

HORT(CRSS) 4430/6430 and 4430E/6430E

Plant Physiology
Designed to enhance students’ knowledge of the basic principles of plant physiology, including water relations, solute and phloem transport, photosynthesis and respiration, plant genomes, regulation of plant gene expression, phytohormone biology, and plant growth and development.

HORT(CRSS) 4590/6590

Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Soil conditions affecting availability of plant nutrients; methods of determining soil fertility and insufficiency of plant nutrients in soils, and interpretation of chemical and biological measurements as related to fertility maintenance and good soil management.

HORT 4630/6630E

Nursery Management
Locating, operating, and managing retail and wholesale nurseries.

HORT(ENTO) 4770E/6770E

Discover the Wonderful World of Plants and Pollinators and Your Place in It - Service Learning
Discussion of the impact of urban systems on pollinator health and the active role citizens can play in protecting pollinators. Students will receive training on plant and pollinator insect identification to better understand pollinator-plant interactions, the importance of reducing pesticide inputs, and creating a coexisting pollinator and plant habitat in the urban matrix.

HORT 4800

Agricultural Biotechnology
Structure/manipulation of DNA and inheritance of genes, the current impact of biotechnology on crop production and animal agriculture. Regulatory, intellectual property, environmental, and market issues specific to transgenic crops.

HORT 4920/6920

Organic Horticulture Entrepreneurship
Students will manage organic enterprises from planning to production to marketing. Students will work independently or in teams under guidance of the director and staff at UGArden. Weekly meetings will be held for lectures, training, and project updates. Students will gain real-world experience in organic production and business management.

HORT 4960R

Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.

HORT 4990/6990

Current Issues in Horticulture
Current issues of concern to the horticulture industry, with a focus on the latest research and technological advances in horticulture. Topic vary each semester but are centered on sustainability and the role of horticulture in solving the problems of today while looking towards the future.

Horticulture Undergraduate Advisor

Horticulture Undergraduate Coordinator

The Horticulture Undergraduate Coordinator can be reached at