News Stories - Page 53

Ruqayah Bhuiyan, left, a horticulture student in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and Niki Padgett, a biology student in the UGA Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, will head to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for research internships focusing on ways to grow food in space this spring. CAES News
From the greenhouse to space: Two UGA students head to NASA for high-tech agriculture internships
When the public thinks of NASA, the first images that come to mind are often rockets or satellites. In the future, images of greenhouses might also make the list.
Students in University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Horticulture 4070 Greenhouse Management class pose with their bumper crop of poinsettias. CAES News
CAES student-grown poinsettias will be ready for pick up Dec. 2
Students in UGA’s Tau chapter of Pi Alpha Xi Horticultural Honor Society is gearing up for its annual poinsettia sale from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Dec. 4 at Greenhouse 13 on Riverbend Road.
Head of the UGA Department of Horticulture Doug Bailey will take on the role of CAES assistant dean for academic affairs on Jan. 1. CAES News
Doug Bailey, UGA horticulture department head, named CAES assistant dean for academic affairs
For three decades, University of Georgia horticulture Professor and Department Head Doug Bailey has helped to shape the careers of future horticulturists. Now, he’ll use that experience to help guide the academic and professional careers of students across UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Snaptastic, a new series coming from Syngenta, is considered medium in height, reaching 14 to 16 inches. Snaptastic Orange Flame snapdragon brings a fiery color to the cool season landscape. CAES News
These cool-season flowers will have you feeling Snaptastic
These new snapdragons aren’t just fantastic, they’re simply “Snaptastic.” Snaptastic, a new series coming from Syngenta, is considered medium in height, reaching 14 to 16 inches. They fill a void that’s been longed for in the market.
UGA horticulture professor Marc van Iersel shows one version of a soil moisture sensor he tested. CAES News
Marc van Iersel takes on Vincent J. Dooley Professorship in Horticulture
University of Georgia Professor Marc van Iersel and storied former University of Georgia football coach Vince Dooley are teaming up to improve the state of horticulture in Georgia.
'Bolvian Sunset' grows from 12 to 18 inches tall at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah, Georgia. CAES News
'Bolivian Sunset': A dazzling, shady ground cover
Shady ground covers that bloom are sought-after in the gardening world, and ‘Bolivian Sunset’ is one of the most beautiful. Commonly called “hardy gloxinia,” it is cold hardy from zones 8 and higher, but everyone can enjoy it as a container plant on the deck and indoors, provided it has a shady or filtered-light location.