News Stories - Page 57

'Inferno' coleus looks striking against the lime green of this 'Sidekick' ornamental sweet potato foliage.
  CAES News
Coleus' bright foliage performs beautifully in summer landscapes
It seems the coleus is worth its weight in gold in the landscape this time of the year. They offer a persevering performance and flaming color during the hottest part of the summer, which puts it among the best buys for your gardening dollar.
Two women tour the organic production plots at UGA's Durham Horticulture Farm during UGA's 2014 Organic Twilight Tour. CAES News
UGA's annual Organic Farm Twilight Tour slated for June 29
In its sixth year, UGA’s Organic Farm Twilight Tour is a chance to stroll around UGA’s 90-acre organic research and horticulture farm and learn about the latest in organic growing methods.
Split bark, or vertical cracks along the lower tree stem of young trees, most commonly occurs on thin-barked trees like this plum tree. Large cracks can become long-term open wounds that are more susceptible to wood-boring insects, fungal diseases and wood decay. CAES News
Tree bark can split from cold temperatures following excessive sun and heat
Split bark, or vertical cracks along the lower tree stem of young trees, most commonly occurs on thin-barked trees such as dogwood, elm, maple, cherry, apple, peach and plum trees.
A yellow squash matures on the vine of a squash plant growing in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Weather and pests can make summer squash a frustrating crop for home gardeners
Pests and diseases make summer squash one of the most challenging vegetables to grow in Georgia home gardens, according to University of Georgia plant pathologist Elizabeth Little, who studies plant diseases and control methods at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
'Inferno' coleus looks striking against the lime green of this 'Sidekick' ornamental sweet potato foliage.
  CAES News
'Inferno' coleus has stunning orange foliage of perfection
There is an ‘Inferno’ of color this spring coming from a coleus that racked up quite a number of perfect scorecards. ‘Inferno’ hasn’t been out long, but already it has heads turning, especially when you consider that it was total perfection in University of Georgia, University of Tennessee and Michigan State University trials.
Paloverde trees in bloom at the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas. CAES News
The paloverde is a drought-tolerant tree with distinctive green bark that's covered with spines
The paloverde trees at the Coastal Botanical Gardens are completely covered in blossoms. The flowers have five yellow petals, but one petal has a honey gland and turns an orange-red, giving the blooms a distinctive bicolored look. The flowers are swarming with pollinators of all types.