News Stories - Page 33

When the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech interact, especially around Thanksgiving, they’re typically colliding on the football field for another historic round of clean, old-fashioned hate. But what you see on the gridiron is 180 degrees from the relationship the two schools share in Georgia farm fields where they work in harmony — and often full-fledged partnership — to improve the productivity and profitability of various sectors of Georgia agriculture. CAES News
Football rivals UGA, Georgia Tech work together to advance agriculture
When the University of Georgia and the Georgia Institute of Technology interact, especially around Thanksgiving, they’re typically colliding on the football field for another historic round of clean, old-fashioned hate. But what you see on the gridiron is 180 degrees from the relationship the two schools share in Georgia farm fields where they work in harmony — and often full-fledged partnership — to improve the productivity and profitability of various sectors of Georgia agriculture.
Pecans lie on the ground beneath 20-year-old pecan trees that were uprooted when Hurricane Michael blew through Decatur County, Georgia. CAES News
Pecan season improves from last year, but farmers are still rebuilding after Hurricane Michael
A year after Hurricane Michael ravaged southwest Georgia, including the region’s pecan industry, farmers still are struggling as they harvest this year’s crop, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells.
D.W. Brooks Award of Excellence winners Marc van Iersel, Vincent J. Dooley Professor of Horticulture; Lori Purcell Bledsoe, Georgia 4-H program development coordinator for Northeast Georgia; and Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza, professor of plant pathology, are congratulated by CAES Dean and Director Sam Pardue. CAES News
CAES celebrates solutions for feeding the planet and the leaders who are making those solutions reality
The students and faculty of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences came together Nov. 12 to celebrate the progress that agriculture has made in the past 50 years and the promise of innovations to come.
Irrigation is at work in a peach orchard in this 2016 photo on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
UGA peach specialist Dario Chavez encourages farmers to water trees, especially during prolonged dry period
A drought that has spanned multiple months has University of Georgia peach specialist Dario Chavez concerned that peach trees in Georgia may suffer from lack of water.
Several fall-blooming native aster plants (Aster spp.) are perfect for Monarch butterflies.  They do not need milkweed (Ascelpias spp.), their larval host plant, at this time of the year, but be sure to include milkweed in your summer butterfly garden. CAES News
Monarch butterflies migrating through Georgia now
The time of the year has come when Georgians look to the sky to watch for signs of Monarch butterfly migration. These butterflies are on their way to the Sierra Madre of Mexico to overwinter on the oyamel fir trees of the area.
‘Orange Bulldog’ is an improved pumpkin variety developed by UGA scientists from germplasm collected in the jungles of South America. It has greater levels of resistance to viruses than conventional pumpkins. ‘Orange Bulldog’ made its debut in 2004 and has consistently produced yields of 13,000 to 20,000 pounds per acre in north and south Georgia. CAES News
Pumpkins are for carving, eating and decorating
Georgia farmers devote about 900 acres to growing pumpkins — technically a squash and a cousin to the cucumber. Most Georgia-grown pumpkins come from the northernmost part of the state where the climate is cooler and there is less disease pressure. UGA-bred ‘Orange Bulldog' is disease resistant.