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Watermelon research at the UGA-Tifton campus. CAES News
Fusarium Rapid Test
Fusarium wilt, caused by a soilborne fungus, is one of the most damaging diseases of watermelons worldwide. Since it was discovered in 1894, it’s been a battle for producers to manage through crop rotation and chemical fungicides.
Pink Lady apples hang from a tree at the University of Georgia - Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Arbor Day
Nationally, Americans recognize Arbor Day in April. However, Georgia celebrates Arbor Day on the third Friday of February each year because this is a better time to plant trees, giving roots time to grow before the heat and drought of our summer months.
Georgia 4-H youth participated in the 2021 state horse competition. Youth participating in quiz bowl learn about horse health and other equine-related topics. CAES News
Horse Quiz Bowl
On Feb. 13, 45 Georgia 4-H youth participated in the 2020 Georgia 4-H Virtual Horse Quiz Bowl. The event was held in a hybrid format, with all competitive portions of the quiz bowl held electronically to comply with COVID-19 precautions.
Using hypothesis-driven data mining, a UGA research team led by Xiangyu Deng of UGA’s Center for Food Safety, analyzed over 30,000 genomes of Salmonella Enteritidis obtained from global sources and the international trade of live poultry over five decades. CAES News
Poultry Research
Chicken is one of the most widely eaten proteins in the world. The poultry industry contributes more than $41.8 billion to Georgia’s economy each year. The U.S. alone consumes 8 billion chickens per year and approximately 250 eggs per capita. With the help of modern breeding techniques, there has been a drastic increase in meat yield and egg production to help meet this high demand.
The camellia represents desire, passion and admiration — a wonderful choice for Valentine’s Day. CAES News
Winter Bloomers
I find it ironic that Valentine’s Day occurs in February, a time of the year when we see very few plants blooming in the landscape. In addition to cards and candy, flowers are one of the most popular gifts during this annual celebration of love. In 2018, the Society of American Florists estimated that 250 million cut roses were produced for Valentine’s Day and an estimated 35% of Americans purchased flowers.
UGA horticulture Professor Matt Chappell demonstrated proper pruning technique at a green industry event in January 2020. CAES News
Perfect Pruning
Pruning in the correct manner and at the proper time can help to maintain the size and shape of your woody shrubs, improving their appearance and appealing to the artist in every gardener.
FABricate is an entrepreneurial pitch contest hosted by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Proposals are due Feb. 20 for the 2021 contest. CAES News
FABricate 2021
It’s not too late for University of Georgia students to turn their novel ideas into a chance at a grand prize of $10,000.
The Shanghai skyline is often clouded with smog from industrial air pollution. CAES News
Pollution Affects Adolescent Development
The toll that air pollution takes on a person’s physical health is well documented. But new University of Georgia research suggests there could be another price too: a child’s drive to be successful.
Price increases for sod this year could range from 2-8% over 2019 prices, according to a new survey of producers by UGA and the Georgia Urban Ag Council. CAES News
Sod Price Survey 2021
If seeing the turfgrass during the Super Bowl has you itching to unfurl sod for a new lawn, it will likely cost a bit more than usual, according to a report by the University of Georgia.
A net full of jellyfish is emptied onto the ship as fishermen begin to process the haul. (Photo by Bryan Fluech) CAES News
Jellyfish Product Development
The University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology’s Kevin Mis Solval and his team of researchers have secured a nearly half-million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to aid in creating safe food ingredients from cannonball jellyfish.