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Scientists working collaboratively in global research projects have grown accustomed to meeting on Zoom. As the ability to travel safely becomes a reality, the Innovation Lab will hold on to some of the communication habits and tools that proved useful. CAES News
Digital tech bringing teams together
The innovation lab held its second annual research meeting in a digital format in June, incorporating many of the lessons learned over the past year about how to make the most out of technology for long-distance meetings. To make the most of the ability to meet online, the management entity and many project teams in the Peanut Innovation Lab have shifted the way they get together.
Blubaugh Lab manager Katherine Hagan and master’s student Allison Stawara scout squash for various beneficial and pest insects as part of a living mulch study at the Durham Horticulture Research Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
Organic Pest Control
The hot, humid climate in the Southeast lends itself to nearly year-round insect, weed and disease pressure, and growing is especially tough if you’re an organic farmer.
Athens brewery Creature Comforts creates a saison beer that contains tulsi, also known as holy basil, a Southeast Asian herb grown at student-run farm UGArden. CAES News
Community Connection
Athens, Georgia, is known for three things — University of Georgia football, music, and food. Food is as much a part of the Athenian identity as the Bulldogs. Every weekend, football or not, restaurants around Athens are filled with both locals and students enjoying the communal environment a good local dish or beverage can offer.
From left, AgGeorgia chief marketing officer Corey Cottle, poultry science department head Todd Applegate, CAES Dean Nick Place, AgGeorgia board member Bobby Miller, AgGeorgia board Chairman Dave Neff, AgGeorgia board Vice-chairman Jack Bentley and AgGeorgia CEO Rob Crain celebrate the lender's six-figure gift to the UGA Poultry Science Building Campaign. CAES News
AgGeorgia Gift to CAES
With a $100,000 pledge to the new Poultry Science Building at the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), AgGeorgia Farm Credit is the first six-figure donor to a campaign that will accelerate research, scholarship and applied solutions for the largest sector of Georgia’s No. 1 industry.
georgia 4 h dean's awards CAES News
Georgia 4-H Awards
The Georgia 4-H Dean’s Awards competition provided 26 Georgia 4-H youth the opportunity to showcase their talent, hard work, and commitment to their communities. The Dean’s Award is one of the highest honors Georgia 4-H members can earn. Competitors submit a cumulative portfolio that reflects their entire 4-H career, and high-scoring submissions are invited to participate in a separately judged interview session.
A Georgia 4-H'er participates in an archery event at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships in Grand Island, Nebraska. CAES News
Project SAFE
Georgia State 4-H champion teams in sporter air rifle, 22 rifle, compound archery, recurve archery and shotgun represented Georgia 4-H Project SAFE at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships in Grand Island, Nebraska, June 21 to 25, with the Morgan County 4-H Recurve Archery Team placing first in all three disciplines for the category.
At UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2021 Borlaug Undergraduate Scholar Samantha Wegener discovered precision plant breeding — the combination of gene editing and engineering — which showed her a path to solving complicated issues to improve plant varieties. CAES News
2021 Borlaug Undergraduate Scholar
Samantha Wegener enrolled at the University of Georgia’s Tifton campus after earning her associate’s degree in biology from the Technical College of the Lowcountry in Beaufort, South Carolina. It was during her last semester in Beaufort that Wegener was introduced to the world of plant breeding.
Georgia 4-H youth participated in the 2021 state horse competition. Youth participating in quiz bowl learn about horse health and other equine-related topics. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Horse Program
Georgia 4-H was proud to offer the 2021 State Horse Educational Competition to 111 youth in a virtual format this year. This competition was previously linked with the Georgia 4-H State Horse Show hosted at the the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Georgia.
A Georgia 4-H'er participates in the ranch horse competition at the Georgia 4-H State Horse Show. CAES News
2021 Georgia 4-H State Horse Show
The 2021 Georgia 4-H State Horse Show, hosted by Georgia 4-H, was held at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Georgia. Overall, 157 youth participated in the competition.
Upon joining UGA in 2013, Assistant Professor Jillian Bohlen sought to diversity the dairy cattle herd in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Jersey Genetics
Jillian Fain Bohlen doesn’t try to hide her love for Jersey dairy cattle.