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Taija Stoner-Harris (left), a master's degree student in the Department of Food Science and Technology, helps principal investigator and doctoral candidate Linda Araghi process cantaloupes for a study finding new product uses for Georgia Grown cantaloupe. CAES News
A Juicy Solution
Summer in Georgia yields a bounty of fresh fruit and vegetables. In fact, Georgia is one of the top producers of cantaloupe in the U.S., and Georgia-grown watermelons and cantaloupes are the stars of summer grocery stores and farmers markets.
Jennifer Waldeck has joined the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as head of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. CAES News
Organizational and instructional communication specialist Jennifer Waldeck has been named head of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences beginning July 1. Waldeck most recently served as the associate dean for academic programming and faculty affairs for the School of Communication at Chapman University.
2021 40 under 40 logo CAES News
2021 UGA 40U40
The University of Georgia Alumni Association has unveiled the 40 Under 40 Class of 2021. This program celebrates the personal, professional and philanthropic achievements of successful UGA graduates under the age of 40. The honorees will be recognized during the 11th annual 40 Under 40 Awards Luncheon Sept. 10 in the Tate Student Center on campus. 
Georgia First Lady and UGA graduate Marty Kemp's support for Georgia 4-H and Georgia FFA led to the establishment of a First Flock of laying hens at the Governor's Mansion in Atlanta. CAES News
First Flock
Thanks to a prize-winning chicken coop design by 4-H and FFA students from Warren County, Georgia’s newly established First Flock now has a stately home on the 18-acre grounds of Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta.
A water rescue crew searches for survivors in Texas after Hurricane Harvey, a devastating Category 4 hurricane that made landfall on Texas and Louisiana in August 2017, causing catastrophic flooding. CAES News
Flood Insurance Risk
Fifteen million homes in the United States are at risk of flooding, according to the nonprofit First Street. And homes on the coasts aren’t the only properties at risk.
CAES Dean Nick Place (left) and Department of Poultry Science Head Todd Applegate (right) receive a pledge for student recruitment funding from USPOULTRY President John Starkey (center). CAES News
Student Recruitment
Ongoing support from the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association (USPOULTRY) and the USPOULTRY Foundation will help the University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science grow its impact on students and on the poultry industry. 
Unlike Georgia 4-H Project SAFE Shooting Sports disciplines 22 Rimfire, Air Rifle and Shotgun, air pistol is offered to Cloverleaf 4-H’ers beginning in fourth grade. CAES News
Sharpshooting 4-H’ers
Shooting sports in Georgia 4-H are popular, with shotgun, air rifle and archery attracting many participants, but a less well-known shooting sport in Georgia 4-H has produced two athletes who will represent the U.S. at the International Shooting Sports Junior World Championships later this year.
Alfredo Espinoza-Martinez received the 2021 Excellence in Extension award from the American Phytopathological Society for his work in Extension focusing on disease management in turfgrass, as well as working with small grains and non-legume forages. CAES News
Excellence in Extension
It is said that if you find a job you love, you will never work a day in your life. For Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza, this has come true through his work as a plant pathologist with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. His passion and hard work have been recognized with the American Phytopathological Society’s (APS) 2021 Excellence in Extension award.
A rough sketch of the proposed design of the new Poultry Science Building to be built on UGA's South Campus where there is currently a parking lot between Boyd and Conner Halls. CAES News
Poultry Science Building Gift
The R. Harold and Patsy Harrison Foundation has pledged $1 million toward the construction of a new Poultry Science Building on the University of Georgia’s Athens campus, expanding the legacy of the Harrison family in Georgia’s poultry industry.
Kaitlin Fischer, a PhD student in rural sociology at Pennsylvania State University working on a Peanut Innovation Lab project has won a Fulbright Scholarship to travel to Ghana and study peanut value chain interventions. CAES News
Fulbright Scholar
Women around the world play an important role in producing peanut, but how those nuts get to market is a complicated and critical part of the value chain. Kaitlin Fischer, a graduate student working with the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to compare interventions to see how two types of commercialization schemes impact peanut farmers, especially women.