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2023 02 16 GO Conference 0689 Cropped Resized CAES News
Organic Production
What began as a grassroots growers cooperative in the 1970s has become one of the Southeast’s most prestigious, member-supported nonprofit farming organizations. Having just wrapped up its 25th annual conference in Perry, Georgia, the organization continues its long-standing partnership with the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Cooperative Extension.
The University of Georgia's Office of Global Engagement building on Lumpkin Street. (UGA photo) CAES News
International Fulbright Visiting Scholars
Each semester, the University of Georgia welcomes scholars from across the globe to promote collaborative research. The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program awards merit-based grants to international academics who seek to further their education and participate in research projects at American universities. More than 800 international scholars come to universities in the U.S. annually, with visits ranging from three months to one year.
State 4-H officers Venya Gunjal, Kareem El-Gayyar, Hannah Jones get together during 4-H Day at the Capitol. In 2022, all 159 counties received donations during the $4 for 4-H fundraiser. Friends of 4-H have made the initiative a major success each year, easily reaching the 2022 goal of $44,444. The 2023 fundraising goal is set at $54,444. (Photo by Josie Smith) CAES News
$4 for 4-H
Supporters from every county in Georgia will have the chance to boost youth programming during the “$4 for 4-H” fundraiser for the Georgia 4-H Foundation on April 4, an online giving day that has become an annual tradition. In the spirit of friendly competition, each Georgia county asks local donors to make donations of $4 or more that day, with the goal of receiving at least four donations per county.
Tiffani Neal, Founder and CEO of Barlow's Foods, with UGA President Jere Morehead and CAES Dean and Director Nick Place at the 2023 Flavor of Georgia food contest. CAES News
2023 Flavor of Georgia Winners
Barlow’s Foods won the grand prize at the 2023 Flavor of Georgia food contest for their product Barlow’s Peach Cobbler Syrup. Barlow’s Foods is a packaged foods company located in Atlanta and founded by Tiffani Neal. The woman-owned business creates pancake mixes and assorted breakfast staples, including their winning syrup.
Jillian Bohlen is an associate professor of animal and dairy science in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
2023 Russell Awards
The University of Georgia has recognized three faculty members with the Russell Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the university’s highest early career teaching honor for outstanding and innovative instruction. The 2023 Russell Award recipients are Gino D’Angelo in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Jillian Bohlen in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and Krista Capps in the Odum School of Ecology.
The UGA Center for Food Safety was established in 1993 as the Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement. The center’s organizers recruited world-renowned microbiologist Michael Doyle to lead the new research center. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Center for Food Safety
The University of Georgia Center for Food Safety is home to some of the world’s leading experts in food microbiology. This year, it celebrates 30 years of research that has helped to make the food supply safer for all. A linchpin of the center’s success is the relationship the center has built with public health officials and the food industry.
UGA's agrileadHER program provides a platform for connection and community among women farmers. CAES News
agrileadHER Community
The University of Georgia’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences recently launched a virtual agrileadHER community platform to offer a welcoming space for women in farming and other agricultural professions. The new platform includes access to monthly webinars on a wide array of topics, from production to stress management, and an online community for women farmers from across the country to network.
Faculty members participate in the 2023 Rural Engagement Workshop. (Photo by Shannah Montgomery) CAES News
Community Engaged Research
The University of Georgia Rural Engagement Workshop for Academic Faculty enters its third year with 12 faculty members working in partnership with units of UGA Cooperative Extension and Public Service and Outreach for grants to help solve rural challenges. The workshop is designed to help drive community-engaged research in rural Georgia communities.
Georgia continues to be the top pecan-producing state in the U.S. CAES News
Climate Adapted Pecans
Georgia is the nation's leading pecan-producing state — and University of Georgia researchers intend to keep it that way. Working with an international team of experts, four faculty from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have received a U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture award for the second phase of a study to adapt one of Georgia’s top commodities, the pecan.
Biao He and Steven Stice CAES News
Regents Entrepreneurs
The University System of Georgia Board of Regents approved two University of Georgia professors as Regents’ Entrepreneurs at its Dec. 1 meeting. Professors Steven Stice and Biao He, from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine, respectively, are the first two UGA selections for a designation that was adopted by the board in February 2022.