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2023BrowneAwards composite image (1) CAES News
2023 Browne Awards
Four graduate students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have been honored with an E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research. Given in honor of the former director of the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations, the award is presented to outstanding CAES master’s and doctoral students recognized for both their research and effective communication.
Georgia 4-H partners with military families across the country to provide no-cost access to resources and camps that will enrich the lives of military dependents. CAES News
Summer Camps
Dependents of military service members are invited to apply to attend two week-long camping experiences coordinated by the University of Georgia’s 4-H program at no cost. Held at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in June, these summits are open to 13- to 18-year-old dependents of military members currently serving in active, guard and reserve components.
Jeffrey Dean (center), assistant provost and campus director for UGA-Griffin, with the 2023 Classified Employee Award recipients, Ben Fields (left) of Field Research Services and Seth Williams of Facilities Management. CAES News
2023 Employee Awards
The University of Georgia Griffin campus recently honored Ben Fields and Seth Williams as the 2023 Classified Employees of the Year at the 34th Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony held on March 21. The award is presented to classified personnel who have made the most significant impact on UGA-Griffin programs.
Danielle Ama Essandoh, a Ghanaian student studying at Makerere University, works in a greenhouse on a research project in Uganda led by UGA’s Soraya Leal-Bertioli in 2021. Essandoh completed a master’s degree and is now working toward a doctorate at UGA. (Submitted photo) CAES News
Peanut Innovation Lab Grant
Farmers around the world grow peanuts because the plant adapts to poor soils and produces a crop even as droughts become more common. Smallholder farmers around the world grow the crop on modest plots and cook the nuts into traditional dishes or sell the crop for money to send their kids to school. On April 12, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the University of Georgia announced a five-year extension of their collaborative research and outreach work in peanut innovation.
Kissing Bug Starved and Engorged CAES News
Faculty Award Winner
Kevin Vogel, an assistant professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Georgia, has received a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program award from the National Science Foundation. Supported by the more than $1 million CAREER grant, Vogel and his team will spend the next five years building upon the still-limited body of research regarding the symbiotic relationship between kissing bugs and a highly specified bacterium that resides in their gut.
rodgers ribbon cutting CAES News
Rodgers Honored
Georgia 4-H dedicated the Thomas F. Rodgers Administration Building at Rock Eagle 4-H Center to honor former Georgia 4-H state leader Tom Rodgers for his years of service to 4-H and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. During his tenure as Georgia 4-H leader, Rodgers championed the renovation of the Rock Eagle 4-H Center, raising more than $2 million to secure Rock Eagle’s status as a centerpiece of Georgia 4-H.
World Health Organization (WHO/OMS) Logo at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. CAES News
Three University of Georgia professors from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have been appointed to serve on Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA). Chosen by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) secretariats and external referees, Faith Critzer, Abhinav Mishra and Todd Callaway will serve among a roster of experts from 33 countries.
IMG 7554 CAES News
2023 FABricate
Plantfi, a novel system to track plant moisture, sunlight and overall houseplant health, is the winner of University of Georgia’s 2023 FABricate Entrepreneurial Initiative competition. Alex Breazu, the UGA mechanical engineering student who leads Plantfi, got the idea while on his own “plant parent” journey, during which he overwatered and killed his fair share of houseplants.
The University of Georgia has honored four faculty members with its highest accolade for teaching, the Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professorship. CAES News
Meigs Professors
The University of Georgia has honored four faculty members with its highest accolade for teaching, the Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professorship. The Meigs Professorship underscores the university’s commitment to excellence in teaching, the value placed on student learning experiences and the central role instruction plays in the university’s mission.
HOF Anderson Callaway web CAES News
Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame
An innovator in agribusiness and an exemplary public servant in Extension will be inducted into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame on April 29 during the 67th University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association Awards in Athens.