Browse Parenting Stories - Page 6

53 results found for Parenting
Middle School Matters
Compare those three rules for success with what you know about most tweens entering puberty: they push back against rules, they enjoy nonconformity and they rebel against authority. It’s no wonder that the middle school years are a struggle for many tweens.
A full after-school schedule may keep your kids occupied, but it's not necessarily the healthiest option. It turns out kids need a little unstructured “play time” for healthy development as well. CAES News
Importance of Playing
A full after-school schedule may keep your kids occupied, but it’s not necessarily the healthiest option. It turns out kids need a little unstructured “play time” for healthy development as well.
Members of the UGA Extension and UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences' Strong African-American Families Program team celebrate the completion of the five year program in Tifton Monday, April 28. CAES News
Strengthening Families
The Strong African-American Families project, launched in South Georgia in 2008 by the University of Georgia’s Center for Family Research and UGA Extension, has strengthened families and helped promote positive health outcomes, according to CFR Director Gene Brody.