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Ben Hill County swept the National Consumer Decision Making contest in Denver, Colorado. Team members (left to right) Liam Jay, Ashley Braddy, Lauren Wixson and Timothy Lord display their awards with coach Laura Lee Williams, Ben Hill County Extension 4-H Agent. CAES News
National 4-H Winners
Ben Hill County 4-H’ers Liam Jay, Ashley Braddy, Lauren Wixson and Timothy Lord returned as national champions from the Consumer Decision Making Contest in Denver, Colorado, on Jan. 9. The Ben Hill County team won first place in the overall contest and Lauren Wixson earned the title of High Individual.
CAES researchers Mussie Habteselassie, Bochra Bahri and David Jespersen are testing the benefits of using nanobubble-infused irrigation water to more efficiently grow sods and maintain turfgrass. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Tiny Bubbles
While the old song “Tiny Bubbles” lauds the happy effervescence of a glass of sparkling wine, new University of Georgia research on nanobubbles seeks to discover whether the tiniest of bubbles can hold beneficial properties for turfgrass.
23701 014 CAES News
Rock Eagle Improvements
Rock Eagle 4-H Center was announced as a recipient of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER II) in a press release from Gov. Brian Kemp’s office on Jan. 10. The release stated that the $2.2 million in funding “will support vitally needed improvements to the facility to increase safety and expand learning experience opportunities.”
2022 Georgia Ag Forecast logo CAES News
2022 Georgia Ag Forecast
Registration slots are still available to attend the 2022 Georgia Ag Forecast on Jan. 28. The annual event will be held in one location this year, at the University of Georgia Tifton Conference Center on the UGA Tifton campus, with a live virtual registration option available.
Businesses are encouraged to participate in the 2022 Great Georgia Pollinator Census, set for Aug. 19-20. In 2021, Master Gardeners held a counting event at Slow Pour Brewery in Gwinnett County. CAES News
Fourth Great Georgia Pollinator Census
Partnerships with schools, businesses and educational institutions have been crucial components in the growth of the Great Georgia Pollinator Census, which was established by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in 2019.
Andrew Malec and Zack Brendel are the co-founders of Character Built, a construction and design group based in Athens, Georgia. (Photo by Peter Frey/UGA) CAES News
Focus on Character
Andrew Malec was planning to go into photojournalism after he graduated from Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. Zack Brendel majored in environmental economics and management in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Examples of a living mulch (top) and cereal rye cover crop terminated prior to planting (bottom). CAES News
Cover Crops, Living Mulches
For most row crop producers in Georgia, corn, cotton and peanut are planted in the spring and harvested in late fall. After harvest, the ground is left relatively bare, with the residue of the harvested crop the only organic material left on the ground. This is where cover crops come in.
Cobb First Place Team CAES News
Winners and Master 4-H'ers
Four high school students from Cobb County took home top honors at the 4-H State Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging contest on Nov. 11, 2021, at Rock Eagle in Eatonton, Georgia. Sandhya Rajesh, Kshitij Badve, Haya Fatmi and Stefan Saboura earned the status of Master 4-H’er with their first-place win at the state level. Alyssa Haag from Oconee County also received Master 4-H’er status as the overall high individual in the contest.
kassem lab large (1) CAES News
Antimicrobial Resistance
A gene that causes bacteria to be resistant to one of the world’s most important antibiotics, colistin, has been detected in sewer water in Georgia. The presence of the MCR-9 gene is a major concern for public health because it causes antimicrobial resistance, a problem that the World Health Organization has declared “one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.”
UGA Extension offers programs and guidance for people of all ages to improve their nutrition and live their best lives. CAES News
New Year's Resolutions
As the new year approaches, many people discover a renewed enthusiasm for self-care and self-improvement. Georgia residents looking for guidance on matters of health, healthy relationships, financial literacy and more can count on University of Georgia Cooperative Extension for a wealth of resources to help reach those goals.