Kate Cassity-Duffey

Assistant Professor; Emphasis: Organic production Horticulture
Portrait of Kate Cassity-Duffey
Contact Information katecass@uga.edu

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Portrait of Kate Cassity-Duffey

UGA Athens Campus

Office Location: room 1105 Miller Plant Science

Laboratory location: Q Laboratory at the UGA Durham Horticulture Farm

   1221 Hog Mountain Rd, Watkinsville, GA 30677

Dr. Kate Cassity-Duffey is Assistant Professor specializing in organic production at UGA. Following her Ph.D., Kate worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the UGA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. She conducted both field and laboratory research focused on nitrogen mineralization and volatilization from organic fertilizers and poultry liter. She self-funded a post-doctoral research project that led to the development of an online calculator that farmers can use to determine nitrogen availability for plants from applied organic fertilizers and poultry liter (https://aesl.ces.uga.edu/calculators/nitrogen/).


In her new faculty role, Dr. Cassity-Duffey is involved in undergraduate course instruction and graduate research. Through her research program she aims to to increase organic agricultural production and recognition in the state of Georgia (and Southeast) by addressing regionally specific issues through a multidisciplinary approach to encourage profitable organic production. She provides significant outreach to farmers in Georgia and the Southeast as well as to UGA Extension educators.


  • 40% Teaching
  • 55% Research
  • 5% Service


  • B.S. Horticulture, University of Georgia, 2010
  • Ph.D. Crop and Soils Science, University of Georgia, 2014