Donglin Zhang
Professor; Emphasis: Ornamental breeding Horticulture Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (IPBGG)
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UGA Athens Campus
Office: 1103 Miller Plant Sciences
Laboratory: 1202 Miller Plant Sciences
The focus of my research and woody ornamental laboratory is, “Better ornamental plants for our green industry”. To produce elite ornamental cultivars, our lab conducts plant exploration on native US flora and ornamental germplasms from other countries, especially from China, Japan, and Korea; selects unique plants from open pollination and artificial hybridization; evaluates superior clones for better adaptation of Georgian and eastern US environment; applies modern molecular technology and embryogenesis for establishing rapid woody plant breeding systems; and develops edible or other functional landscape plants. Please join our team and contribute your talent for bringing better ornamental plants to our landscapes.
“To teach our students how to teach themselves” is my philosophy of teaching. I am currently teaching plant propagation. I am also developing graduate level courses to deal with challenging problems from our ornamental plant field.
- 38% Teaching
- 57% Research
- 5% Service
- FYOS1001 First-Year Odyssey Seminar
- HORT 3720 Woody Plant Identification and Use
- HORT 3620 Plant Propagation
- HORT 3620L Plant Propagation Lab
- B.S. Forestry (Plant Taxonomy & Dendrology), Central South Forestry University, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China, 1983
- M.S. Forestry Botany (Plant Taxonomy & Geobotany), Central South Forestry University, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China, 1989
- M.S. Horticulture (Herbaceous Ornamentals & Floriculture), University of Georgia, 1994
- Ph.D. Horticulture (Woody Ornamentals & Molecular Biology), University of Georgia, 1997