Cecilia E. McGregor
Professor; Emphasis: Cucurbit breeding, genetics & genomics Horticulture Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (IPBGG)
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UGA Athens Campus
Office: 1119 Miller Plant Sciences
Laboratory: 1202 Miller Plant Sciences
My research program focuses on developing molecular tools for watermelon and integrating these tools into our breeding program. Thus we strive to bridge the gap between basic genomic research and applied cultivar development.
We developed the first single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) maps for watermelon and used these resources to identify QTL associated with seed (size, oil percentage, egusi locus, kernel percentage, fatty acid composition), fruit (size, shape, brix, rind thickness), and flowering (andromonoecious, flowering time) traits. Our current research projects endeavor to identify the genes underlying these QTL and using genotyping-by-sequencing technology to identify loci associated with disease resistance (Fusarium wilt and gummy stem blight).
Participants in our research group gain experience in field, greenhouse and laboratory research as well as genomic analysis and bioinformatics. The majority of research is carried out by graduate and undergraduate students, as well as high school students through the Young Scholars Internship Program.
- 70% Research
- 25% Teaching
- 5% Service
- HORT 3620 Plant Propagation
- HORT 3620L Plant Propagation Lab
- HORT 4140/6140 Plant Breeding
- B.S. Agriculture, Genetics and Animal Physiology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 1992
- M.S. Molecular Genetics, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 1995
- Ph.D. Horticulture, Louisiana State University, 2006
- Post-doctoral Associate: Louisiana State University, 2008