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Melanie Biersmith is the ninth State Leader for Georgia 4-H CAES News
Georgia 4-H Leader
Georgia 4-H has selected Melanie Biersmith as the new state 4-H leader. Effective Nov. 1, Biersmith is the ninth state leader in the organization’s 118-year history. Biersmith most recently served as the associate state 4-H leader for facilities and residential programs for Georgia 4-H, where she managed operations and personnel at all six Georgia 4-H centers.
Agrify verticalfarmribboncutting 1 CAES News
Vertical Farms
Thanks in part to a new partnership between the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Agrify, a company that produces vertical farming units, the controlled environment agriculture program at CAES has established two large-scale vertical farms on campus.
The Meat Dawgs won the national championship on October 30. CAES News
Meat Dawgs National Champions
The Meat Dawgs, the University of Georgia’s meat judging team, won the national title at the National High Plains Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest in Friona, Texas, on Oct. 30, cementing a successful return of the team after 10 years.
Launched last spring, the Elevate program is part of a five-year, $6.2 million grant the University of Georgia received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2020. CAES News
Launched last spring, the Elevate program is part of a five-year, $6.2 million grant the University of Georgia received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2020. Using the UGA Extension network and community partners across the state, the project delivers no-cost, evidence-based couples and relationship education.
Daniel Lee receives his Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman in 1946. CAES News
Medal of Honor
Daniel Warnell Lee didn’t complain about the severe wounds he suffered in battle during World War II. He also didn’t boast about receiving the nation’s highest military distinction — commonly called the Congressional Medal of Honor — for his acts of valor during that battle. His medal was not prominently displayed at home, said his daughter, Beth Lee von Mersveldt.
Light pink double impatients in bloom. CAES News
2022 Classic City Awards
The Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia recently announced the 12 2022 Classic City Awards winners from 400 entries this year. Over the summer, the team monitored, maintained and judged the plants from 22 companies on a variety of factors that make them desirable.
The University of Georgia Griffin Campus, originally established as the Georgia Experiment Station in 1888, has played an integral role in the development of modern agriculture. CAES News
UGA Griffin Director
Jeffrey F.D. Dean, a distinguished scholar and academic leader whose interdisciplinary research focuses on forestry, plant biology and biochemistry, has been named assistant provost and director of the University of Georgia’s Griffin campus, effective Jan. 1, 2023. In this role, he will oversee all research, extension and academic programs at UGA-Griffin.
Salt marshes, like this one on Jekyll Island, are vital parts of the ecosystem for oysters along the Georgia coastline. (Photo by Chris Greer) CAES News
Shell to Shore
University of Georgia alumnus Zachary Brendel gives new life to discarded things. You can see it throughout the streets of downtown Athens — from an old tire store that glows with reimagined life as Creature Comforts brewery or an audio recording school operating at full tilt within a converted shoe store. Both are revitalization projects completed by Athens-based Character Built Construction, which was co-founded by Brendel.
Shown, from left, are Michelle Cook, senior vice provost for diversity and inclusion and strategic university initiatives; UGA President Jere W. Morehead; James Anderson II, recipient of the second annual Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander Award; and Dawn Bennett-Alexander. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
Embracing Diversity
“Being an ally to the racial diversity and inclusion movement against all forms of social exclusion cannot be short lived only when it receives the most attention,” said Philip Hong, dean and professor in the University of Georgia’s School of Social Work and keynote speaker at this year’s Embracing Diversity event, held Oct. 20 at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel.
The Orange Bulldog pumpkin at the UGA Bookstore. (Photo by Chamberlain Smith/UGA) CAES News
Orange Bulldog
The quest for the perfect pumpkin each fall doesn’t start at the local patch. In fact, it starts up to 10 years prior for researchers like University of Georgia plant geneticist Cecilia McGregor. McGregor leads breeding efforts in the selective pumpkin variety called the 'Orange Bulldog', following the retirement of the program’s founder, horticulturist George Boyhan.