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Winegrowers of Georgia CAES News
Grape Expectations
The blueberries were suffering. It was the summer of 2022, and Amelia Lyons was working at Sweet Acre Farms, a Georgia vineyard specializing in fruit wines. While Lyons was fixing the vineyard’s irrigation for a dry summer, she noticed that small, dark red spots had appeared on the blueberries. While searching for a solution, she came across a peer-reviewed paper from the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences that addressed the exact disease she was trying to treat.
Nathan Tesfayi with one of the communications antennas used by the small satellite lab on the roof of the Geography Geology building. (Photo by Peter Frey/UGA) CAES News
Point to Pixel
Nathan Tesfayi’s story is about resilience and big ambitions. Born in State College, Pennsylvania, to Ethiopian parents, his life journey has taken him from living in Ethiopia to studies at the University of Georgia, research with NASA and more. Tesfayi’s interest in the environment was sparked during his AP environmental sciences class at Shiloh High School in Gwinnett County.
More than a century of research at UGA underpins the field of plant pathology and pieces together the complex relationship between microbes and plants. CAES News
Plant Pathology
For more than a century, generations of researchers in the University of Georgia's Department of Plant Pathology have been at the leading edge of knowledge and innovation. As these researchers pass down their knowledge, their foundational scientific exploration helps safeguard crops, advance agricultural practices and ensure food security, not only in Georgia but far beyond its borders.
20221102 PFP ADT MARCM 132 web CAES News
UGA Beef Team
Poultry may perch atop the agricultural food chain in Georgia, but beef production brought $658.6 million to the state’s economy in 2021. The impact of the beef industry took the No. 5 spot in the top 10 Georgia commodities, according to the 2021 Georgia Farm Gate Value Report published by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development.
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Blue Light Study
Consider your favorite breakfast cereal, granola bar or other similar food, then imagine the production facility where it is made. If you picture large machines, conveyor belts and lots of moving parts, you get the gist of the environment. Keeping all these moving parts clean is of utmost concern to manufacturers, who spend considerable time and investment on food safety, making sure their production lines are free from harmful pathogens that may make consumers sick.
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Indoor Radon Exposure
Uttam Saha, member of the University of Georgia Radon Team and program coordinator of the UGA Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories, said that while indoor air has traditionally been the focus of radon testing, another, lesser-understood route of exposure to radon is through household water — primarily when it is supplied by a private well.
Emily Baker, a former West Lab UGA Ph.D. graduate student, now serving as the director of nonclinical research at Aruna Biomedical, seen here working in the lab with Steven Stice, the director of the RBC and co-founder of Aruna Biomedical. The team is working on clearance from the FDA for the first-in-human stroke clinical trial using exosome technology. (Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Regenerative Bioscience
The University of Georgia has introduced a Ph.D. program in regenerative bioscience, to be administered jointly by the Regenerative Bioscience Center and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. This pioneering effort sets UGA apart as the first institution in the state to provide a formalized doctoral program aimed at nurturing interdisciplinary research and entrepreneurial skills within this growing field.
The caterpillar relies on its appearance to deter attackers and, when disturbed, it aggressively twists and writhes on the ground to defend itself. In its final, less terrifying form, the regal moth displays autumnal-colored wings in shades of deep orange with gray stripes and yellow spots. (Art by Jay B. Bauer) CAES News
Hickory Horned Devil
With a name that conjures the spookiest Halloween imagery, the hickory horned devil (Citheronia regalis) caterpillar is a marvel of nature's creativity, boasting a fearsome-looking appearance that is both off-putting and intriguing. This time of year, unsuspecting passersby may have the rare chance to spot this spectacular caterpillar as it drops from trees.
From left, Sylvia Hutchinson, Jeanette Taylor, Timothy Puetz, Paul Shoukry, Consuelo De Moraes, Ping Wang, and Ron Walcott, vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School. (Carla Williams not pictured.) (Photo by Nikki Mottley) CAES News
Alumni of Distinction Awards
The University of Georgia Graduate School has honored five outstanding graduates with 2023 Alumni of Distinction Awards. These recipients were selected for achieving exceptional success in their professional careers and for significant service to their communities. “Each of these graduate alumni is distinguished by their professional achievement at the regional, national and international levels,” said Ron Walcott, vice provost for graduate education.
UGA food science alumnus
opens Athens’ first distillery CAES News
Oak House Distillery
Brewery and beer aficionados have a robust selection of venues to choose from when visiting Athens, Georgia. Anyone over 21 can choose any craft beer brewery in town or try out all six on the Athens Beer Trail. But what about those who want the atmosphere and experience of a brewery without the beer?