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A toddler sits under a Christmas tree surrounded by presents CAES News
Toy Safety
When toy shopping for children, shopping at your favorite store or clicking a button online involves a certain responsibility. It’s important to choose wisely when buying holiday toys to make sure your gifts aren’t an unintentional safety hazard.
Tomato plant with tomatoes in various stages of ripeness CAES News
Tomato Taste
Tomatoes have been bred to create a wide array of colors, shapes and sizes, but not much commercial work has been done on breeding tomatoes that taste good.
What may look like an ordinary live Christmas tree to many people can turn into a sneezing fest for allergy sufferers. And with their dust and mold, fake trees can be just as bad. CAES News
Asthma Triggers
Even in the south, where winters can be mild, people tend to spend more time sealed up inside during the colder seasons. While spending time inside keeps you safe from the elements, it can expose those with asthma to more of the indoor air pollutants that can trigger asthma attacks.
Blueberries growing on the Alapaha farm in Alapaha, Georgia in this file photo. CAES News
IPM Grant
The University of Georgia has been awarded a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop organic methods of controlling the Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD). 
Reddening leaf tips indicate damage to oats and appears to be caused by barley yellow dwarf virus. CAES News
From what’s being observed in some South Georgia pastures this fall, oats are struggling, with growers seeing issues from cold damage, nutrient and moisture stress and possible Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Above average rainfall in November and December also have prevented cattle from getting into oat pastures for winter grazing.
Kris Braman heads UGA’s Department of Entomology. She joined the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences faculty in 1989, working on the college’s campus in Griffin, Georgia. She was recently selected for the university's Women’s Leadership Fellows Program. CAES News
Braman Honored
University of Georgia professor Kris Braman has been named one of nine cohorts in the 2018-2019 Women’s Leadership Fellows Program at UGA.
Some 135 people attended the first UGA’s first Rural Stress Summit held Dec. 10-11, 2018, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Airport in Atlanta. Sponsored by UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, College of Family and Consumer Sciences and School of Social Work, the event drew participants from 20 states and the District of Columbia and was organized to educate and motivate representatives of state and federal funded groups that serve rural Americans. CAES News
Rural Stress
A farmer driving a tractor over rolling fields of crops ready to harvest is often the idyllic image associated with farm life. In reality, the life of a farmer is often wrought with worry and financial stress due to a variety of factors from crop disease and destructive insects to violent storms, drought, and damaging floods. All of these factors and more contribute to the sobering fact that the suicide rate among farmers is the third highest of any vocational group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Temple Grandin, world-renowned animal agriculture consultant and advocate for the autism community, spoke to a crowd of about 400 Georgia 4-H club members and supporters on Dec. 4, 2018, at the UGA Livestock Arena. The event was hosted by Jackson County 4-H. CAES News
Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin, world-renowned animal agriculture consultant and advocate for the autism community, is no stranger to overcoming challenges. So when Grandin stepped to the podium and told a crowd of young people to think their problems through and face what scares them, they listened.
CAES Office of Global Programs Associate Director Vicki McMaken, CAES doctoral candidate Davis Musia Gimode and CAES undergraduate Sara Reeves attended this year’s World Food Prize symposium in Des Moines, Iowa. CAES News
World Food Prize
Students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) spend a lot of class time discussing ways to end food insecurity, but there are many lessons that can’t be learned in the classroom.
Christmas lights are a normal part of celebrating during the Holiday season. CAES News
Holiday Safety
The holiday season is a great time for families to get together to decorate and celebrate. If celebrating is a family affair, safety can be too.