Browse Food Safety Stories - Page 2

92 results found for Food Safety
The National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) saw an increase of 620% in website access and 270% in requests for home food preservation validated recipes from March 2020 to 2022. CAES News
Home Food Preservation
Interest in preserving food can be driven by several factors, ranging from the pursuit of a hobby or recreational activity to continuing a family tradition to saving money. But does preserving food at home really save money? There are several variables involved, including the availability of raw materials such as produce and ingredients, equipment, resources and time.
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FDA Review
When government officials need expert opinions, they often turn to academia for advice. The University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety has a long history of working with such entities to help ensure a safe global food supply, and its involvement in government matters deepened last fall when the center’s director participated in a high-profile review of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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Cold Facts
According to the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety study, SARS-CoV-2 experimentally introduced onto berries remained infectious on frozen berries for at least a month. Refrigerating berries at 39 degrees Fahrenheit showed a 90% reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infectivity over the course of three days, as did washing berries before freezing.
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Center for Food Safety
Foodborne illnesses affect more than 600 million people each year worldwide. In 2018, the U.N. General Assembly established June 7 as World Food Safety Day to bring awareness of foodborne risks and “to celebrate the myriad benefits of safe food.”
Foodborne botulism can be prevented with proper canning techniques and equipment that prevent contamination, according to UGA Extension food safety specialist Carla Schwan. CAES News
Canning Precautions
As home canning season approaches, a University of Georgia food safety expert stressed the need for proper precautions to avoid foodborne illness. A recent death in Washington state was attributed to botulism, a toxin that is a byproduct of the heat-resistant spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum that likely originated from a home-canned food.
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International Association for Food Protection
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety and Department of Food Science and Technology are expanding their global networks to increase the safety of the global food supply in the U.S. and abroad. 
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Sepia Software
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety have developed software that functions as an important step in improving the accuracy of DNA sequence analysis when testing for microbial contamination.
Carla Schwan has been hired as an assistant professor and Extension specialist in food safety and home food preservation in the University Georgia’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences, beginning January 2022. CAES News
Food Preservation Lead
Carla Schwan has been hired as an assistant professor and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialist in food safety and home food preservation in UGA’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is slated to get started January 2022.
The Food Product Innovation and Commercialization Center, known as FoodPIC, at the University of Georgia campus in Griffin is a one-stop shop for food businesses looking to launch a product. Scientists here also look for ways to turn raw foods from Georgia into value-added products. Pictured are Kevin Mis Solval, assistant professor in the Food Science and Technology Department, and FoodPIC program manager Lauren Hatcher. (Photo: Ligaya Figueras/AJC) CAES News
FoodPIC Value-Adds
As farmers across the state swelter in the summer heat tending crops and livestock, food scientists inside a state-of-the-art 14,500-square-foot facility on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin are laboring over a different side of the agricultural equation: How can we get the biggest bang for the buck from Georgia’s food commodities?
Georgia 4-H'er Malavika Balamurali displays the dish she cooked during a virtual session of "Adulting 101," a virtual youth development series for 4-H youth that teaches life skills. CAES News
Adulting 101
Adulting is hard.