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Alpharetta Elementary 4th graders from left Joey Santoro, 10, and Neal Seaman, 10, search a stream for life during environmental education at Washega 4H camp in Dahlonega, Thursday, April 28, 2005. CAES News
Environmental Education Certificate
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources are launching an environmental education certificate program this fall.
The 2017 Georgia Ag Forecast event in Macon was held at the Georgia Farm Bureau Building. CAES ag economist Don Shurley is shown (r) with Hunter Loggins of the Georgia Agribusiness Council and Tas Smith of the Georgia Farm Bureau. CAES News
2017 Ag Forecast
In 2017, Georgia row crop farmers will likely devote more acreage to the state’s tried-and-true commodities: cotton and peanuts. This and other agricultural projections for the year were the focus of the 10th annual Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series, held across the state Jan. 18-27.
Homegrown tomatoes are one of the most popular fruits available at roadside produce stands. CAES News
Vegetable Workshop
A workshop for small-scale vegetable farmers is set for Tuesday, Feb. 28, on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Georgia. The workshop is designed for seasoned growers who want to enhance their operation and for small-acreage farmers interested in marketing vegetables. Homeowners who face challenges growing vegetables are also welcome to attend.
On March 1, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will welcome Cain Hickey, the state's first full-time Extension viticulturist. CAES News
Extension Viticulturist
Wine is becoming a big business in Georgia, and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working to support this growing sector of the economy by providing new expertise for wine growers.
Worth Couny 4-H members help with storm aid./Lauren Burden-UGA Extension CAES News
Storm Aid
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is aiding in relief efforts in multiple southwest Georgia communities that were impacted by a deadly weekend of inclement weather.
Lettuce, a high-value cash crop, was among the highest yielding crops in a University of Georgia organic trial incorporating cover crops into a high-intensive crop rotation model at a UGA farm in Watkinsville, GA. The crop yielded a net return of over $9,000 per acre over the three-year study period. CAES News
Second Winter Crop
Late January and early February are great times to plant cool-season vegetables. Many gardeners gave up on planting a fall vegetable garden last year due to the exceptional drought conditions. However, the great thing about living in Georgia is that we have a second window of opportunity in late winter to plant a number of cool-season vegetables.
In the spring, crape myrtles add color with flowers. In the fall, they add color with brightly colored leaves. CAES News
Winter Pruning
The calendar says January, but the weather for the last few weeks has been screaming March. The unseasonable warmth means a lot of folks are getting in their yards, looking for something to keep them outdoors a little longer. It’s the perfect time to prune summer-blooming shrubs and trees like crape myrtles and tea olives.
Piggy Bank Contest
It’s best to develop money-saving habits when you’re young, so Georgia Saves is reaching out to Georgia students with its inaugural Make Your Own Piggy Bank Contest.
Damage caused by cowpea curculio on Southern peas. CAES News
Black-eyed Peas
Black-eyed peas have long been a symbol of New Year’s luck in the American South, but black-eyed pea farmers aren’t feeling that fortunate this year.
The golden-colored 'Caramel' and rust-colored 'Lava Lamp' are two hybrids of Heuchera villosa growing in the University of Georgia's Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah. CAES News
Coral Bells
Coral bells deserve a place in the sun, partial shade or shade. Plant them along woodland trails, in front of shrubs or partner them with wood fern or autumn fern or even hostas. Gardeners in the South must try them as a sunny, cool-season component plant.