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The UGA CAES Office of Global Programs recognized eight students for completing the college's Certificate in International Agriculture. From left, Assistant Director of the Office of Global Programs Vicki McMacken, and Director of the Office of Global Programs Amrit Bart, congratulate Carleen Porter, Tatum Monroe, Sarah Pate, Anna Hartley, Anna Trakhman, Addie Tucker, Aiden Holley and Mary Shelley with CAES Dean Sam Pardue and CAES Director of Experiential Learning Amanda Stephens. CAES News
International Agriculture
The problems and promise of international agricultural development take center stage at the CAES International Agriculture Reception.
Dryland peanuts in a field in Georgia in 2014. CAES News
Replanting Peanuts
Georgia peanut farmers who plant a crop in mid-to-late April should make a decision on a second crop within two to four weeks of planting their initial crop. University of Georgia researcher and systems peanut agronomist Scott Tubbs helps farmers make that decision.
Cover of Lenny Wells' book about pecans. CAES News
Pecan Book
Lenny Wells, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist and the university’s leading voice in the pecan industry, covers the history of pecans and their popularity in the South in his first book, “Pecan: America’s Native Nut Tree.”
'South Pacific Sipper' is a tropical hibiscus that produces enormous blooms all summer. Hummingbirds, swallowtail butterflies and sulphurs love to visit the tropical blooms. CAES News
Huge Blooms
‘South Pacific Sipper’ might best be described as a fancy hibiscus, and indeed it is. It is also one born to grow and produces flowers so large they defy logic. They are somewhat ruffled and though called “double,” they open up in a most exotic fashion. Though it sounds crazy, it is one of those plants that will have you taking photos of it every day because you think today’s blooms are even prettier than the blooms from the day before.
According to the latest IRS data, nearly eight out of every 10 Americans will receive a tax refund. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts suggest using smart strategies to maximize your refund. CAES News
Tax Refund
According to the latest IRS data, nearly eight out of every 10 Americans will receive a tax refund. If you get a return, be sure to use your return wisely so that your money continues to work for you. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts suggest using these smart strategies to help you maximize your refund.
UGA's newest pecan variety, ‘Avalon’, in 2017. The pecan's extreme resistance to scab disease makes it desirable for pecan farmers looking to replenish their crop after Hurricane Michael. CAES News
Avalon Variety
Growers who are anxious to buy large quantities of the newest pecan cultivar, ‘Avalon,’ will likely be disappointed as supplies are low, according to University of Georgia pecan breeder Patrick Conner. The new UGA-bred cultivar will be released this spring.
Cotton being harvested. CAES News
Cotton Sustainability
A University of Georgia student’s survey of the cotton industry found that the crop, once “king” in Georgia, can compete with synthetic fibers and will continue to be economically and environmentally feasible into the future.
Ted and Gerrye Jenkins are the recipients of the 2017 Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award. Ted Jenkins, a retired University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialist, led the Georgia 4-H summer camp programs from 1980-1997. His wife, Gerrye Jenkins, served alongside him. CAES News
4-H Lifetime Achievement 2017
Each summer, thousands of children experience summer camp through Georgia 4-H's camping programs. Those programs are possible because of the dedication of leaders like Ted Jenkins and his wife, Gerrye Jenkins, who are the recipients of the 2017 Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award.
Georgia's Southern Piedmont grape farmers are finding success with hybrid varieties popularized in Texas wine country, like these Lenoir grapes grown in Haralson County. CAES News
Georgia's Grape Industry
Georgia’s grape industry, once dormant, is now thriving, according to Phillip Brannen, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit plant pathologist. Growing potential for prosperity in the wine industry will require that farmers stay vigilant about certain diseases, like Pierce’s disease, that could negatively impact production.
Emperor's candlestick partners well with the spicy jatropha or Jatropha integerrima. Another terrific combination could include Cuphea 'Vermillionaire.' Grow it close to the back of your border as it does grow large, up to 8 feet tall, with compound leaves that stretch out 3 feet in each direction. CAES News
Emperor's Candlestick
Emperor’s candlestick is considered a shrub in the tropics, yet growing wild, they appear dwarfed in comparison to how they look in landscapes. Although the plant is seen in gardens as a beautiful flower, it is a valuable medicinal plant in developing countries.