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The inaugural class of the Pike County High School STEM Academy at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus included (l-r) Talisa Watts, Megan Pitts, Nikki Dodson, Taylor Thomas, Abigail Chasteen, Dylan Blohm and Courtney Bagwell. CAES News
STEM Interns
Last summer, seven seniors from Pike County High School (PCHS) in Zebulon, Georgia, with an aptitude for science made a commitment to work alongside University of Georgia Griffin campus scientists three days a week for the entire school year. This month, they will complete their yearlong partnership.
Periodical cicadas have striking red, wide-set eyes. In spring 2017, Brood VI cicadas are set to emerge in north Georgia mountains. CAES News
17-year Cicadas
What has large, red eyes, translucent wings and an undulating, 7-kilohertz chirp that sounds like the background music to a horror movie? Georgians can find the answer over the next few weeks by traveling north into the state’s mountains to witness the emergence of the latest brood of 17-year periodical cicadas.
Professor Katrien Devos works as at a light table. Devos is a professor in the UGA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and the Department of Plant Pathology, and she was recently named a fellow for the American Association for the Advancement of Science. CAES News
Research Winner
University of Georgia plant breeder and geneticist Katrien Devos’ work unraveling the mysteries of pearl millet aims to make subsistence farming communities more food-secure. The pioneering and globally engaged nature of her work earned her one of UGA’s top research awards: the Creative Research Medal.
Jesse Lafian, a fourth-year horticulture student, designed a patent-pending moisture sensor that is the centerpiece of his startup, Reservoir LLC. Lafian won UGA's Next Top Entrepreneur, with a prize of $10,000 to put toward his company. CAES News
Ag Entreprenuer
The key to maximizing water conservation and a lush landscape is an informed use of water. University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) horticulture student Jesse Lafian developed a web-connected soil moisture sensor to help landscape management companies monitor irrigation and enable them to use water wisely.
University of Georgia scientist Peggy Ozias-Akins, a College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences professor of horticulture on the UGA Tifton Campus, applies advanced biotechnology and molecular biology tools — tools she developed herself in some cases — to improve crops like peanuts. CAES News
Ozias-Akins Honored
University of Georgia Professor Peggy Ozias-Akins has been awarded the title of Distinguished Research Professor, an honor awarded to UGA faculty recognized internationally for their contributions to knowledge and whose work promises to foster continued creativity in their discipline. She and her colleagues have created new and improved plant varieties that are higher yielding, more disease resistant, more nutritious or have greater ornamental value.
'TifTuf' is pictured growing in front of the Future Farmstead on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Southeastern Turfgrass Conference
The 71st annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference will be held on Tuesday, May 16, at the Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia.
Patrick Broder and Hans Broder Jr., left, and Josef Broder, far right, congratulate Samaria Aluko, the inaugural winner of the Broder-Ackermann Global Citizen Award, on April 18 at CAES's seventh annual International Agriculture Day reception. Aluko will receive a $1,000 scholarship to support her work helping to provide health care to underserved communities. CAES News
Global Citizenship Award
Swiss immigrants Hans and Margrit Broder honored for their global worldview and dedication to their children.
The Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute (GTIPI) will offer four training and community education initiatives through this year's grant award. CAES News
Driver Education/Safety
The University of Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute has been awarded a $656,000 grant from the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) to continue statewide child passenger safety, parent and teen driving safety, and senior driver education programs.
Lady's slipper orchids are found in five genera. Paphiopedilum lady's slipper orchids are among the easiest to grow for the novice gardener. CAES News
Lady's Slipper Orchids
The beauty of lady's slipper orchids, coupled with what seems to be an unending array of colors, shapes and textures, make them an addicting group of plants for a potential collector.
Dennis Hancock, UGA associate professor of crop and soil sciences and Extension forage specialist, recently won UGA's Walter Barnard Hill Award for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach. Each year, he conducts many workshops and field days to help farmers reduce their bottom lines by increasing the health of their pastures. CAES News
Walter B. Hill Awards
Two University of Georgia Cooperative Extension faculty members received Walter Barnard Hill Awards in recognition of their public outreach. Melanie Biersmith, Georgia 4-H environmental education coordinator, and Dennis Hancock, Extension forages specialist and associate professor of crop and soil sciences, both received 2017 Walter Barnard Hill Awards for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach (Hill Award) at UGA’s Public Service Outreach Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon on April 17.