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This summer, teens from across the nation will gather in Georgia and Colorado for camps designed just for military kids by the Georgia 4-H Military Partnership. The camps begin in June, but adult volunteer leaders are needed now. CAES News
Adult Volunteers
Georgia 4-H is searching for adult volunteer leaders for this summer’s 2019 Military Teen Summits coordinated by the Georgia 4-H Military Partnership. The summits will occur in Jekyll Island, Georgia, Dahlonega, Georgia, and Estes Park, Colorado, through funding provided by several entities. The camps begin in June and conclude in early-August.
Sam Pardue, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
National Ag Week Salute
As we celebrate National Agriculture Week 2019, many in the Southeast are still struggling to recover from hurricanes, tornadoes, whitefly outbreaks and record-breaking rainfall. Nature is both the nemesis and nurturer of agriculture - the ultimate “can’t live with it, can’t live without it” dilemma.
Pictured are Brian Hayes, Mitchell County Extension agent and county Extension coordinator; Monica Kilpatrick, state coordinator for Georgia Project WET; Debra Cox, Mitchell County 4-H Extension educator; Jennifer Grogan, retired Mitchell County 4-H agent and county Extension coordinator; and Calvin Perry, UGA C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park superintendent. CAES News
Georgia Project WET
Along with the University of Georgia's C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park, the UGA Cooperative Extension 4-H program in Mitchell County has been named the 2019 Georgia Project WET Organization of the Year for hosting a Georgia 4-H camp designed to teach children the importance of water conservation.
Soil sample bags await processing at the University of Georgia Soil Testing Laboratory in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Spring Soil Testing
This spring, gardeners planning vegetable gardens — or even a major renovation of your ornamental beds — should take the opportunity to test their soil before they put plants in the ground.
Symptoms of Alternaria leaf blight first appear on older leaves as small, dark spots that gradually enlarge with concentric rings. Brassica crops, including broccoli, collard and kale, are all susceptible to this plant disease. CAES News
Alternaria leaf blight
Popular vegetables like broccoli and kale are among the crops that could be in danger from Alternaria leaf blight — a disease that can cause spots on some brassica crops and render them unmarketable — which has developed resistance to a once-dependable fungicide Georgia farmers rely on, according to Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist.
Eric Yirenkyi Danquah, founder of the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), right, maize field with WACCI co-founder Kwame Offei, center, and maize breeder Martin Adjei. CAES News
Cassava, taro, cowpea: these are the crops that are going fuel the next phase of the green revolution. Today, African researchers are working to develop improved varieties of traditional African crops to meet local food security challenges.
"Ag Snapshots," a pocket-sized book created by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, summarizes Georgia’s farm gate values in an easy-to-read format. CAES News
Farm Gate Values
Determining the value of Georgia’s agricultural commodities is on University of Georgia agricultural economist Kent Wolfe’s list of job responsibilities. He does it every year, but it’s not a one-man job. Director of the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Development (CAED), Wolfe gets a lot of help from UGA Cooperative Extension county agents across the state.
During Tim Coolong’s years as a state ­vegetable specialist, his research focused on variety trials and developing irrigation and fertilization recommendations for farmers (photo by Dorothy Kozlowski). CAES News
Betting on Veggies
With the current focus on local food and farm-to-table eating, it’s hard to remember that 20 years ago very few people cared where their tomatoes came from. 
Cotton is watered on the UGA Tifton campus in 2014. Irrigation equipment needs to be serviced before the production season begins. CAES News
Irrigation Trainings
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will host two free workshops in March to show Georgia and Florida cotton and peanut growers how to increase yield and profitability through technology-driven irrigation tools.
On October 10, 2018, intense winds from Hurricane Michael in Turner County, Georgia, blew cotton to the ground. CAES News
Production Season
Due to losses suffered during the last growing season and new tariffs, Georgia farmers are facing a sense of uncertainty surrounding the upcoming production season, according to University of Georgia agricultural economist Adam Rabinowitz.