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Poultry farmers need their chickens to be efficient at turning feed into muscle. UGA researchers are studying the genetics of why some chickens make muscle while others make fat. Their findings could have implications for human health as well. CAES News
COVID-19 causing complex problems in the poultry industry
While many were watching the price of poultry, workers in processing plants began testing positive for COVID-19, causing temporary shutdowns at more than 30 meat processing facilities across the nation, according to MEAT+POULTRY’s website, which has been mapping the cases. Together, that caused a complex problem for the poultry industry and for consumers.
Emma Wilson sewing masks CAES News
4-H'er Helps with Mask Shortage
With the current shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks, children visiting the hospital for emergency needs do not have proper protection from COVID-19. Emma Wilson, a 10-year-old from Hancock County, is using her 4-H Project Achievement skills to help by sewing masks specifically for children.
Native wildflowers grow in field margins. CAES News
On-farm Biodiversity
The future of food and farms is largely dependent on the collective effort of us all to support more sustainable practices in agriculture — it’s not enough to just be profitable. Agricultural lands have the potential to be some of the most biodiverse landscapes in our increasingly urbanized world.   
The title of Distinguished Research Professor is awarded to faculty who are internationally recognized for their original contributions to knowledge and whose work promises to foster continued creativity in their discipline. Katrien Devos and Ignacy Misztal are two of the 2020 recipients. CAES News
Two faculty members in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Katrien Devos and Ignazy Misztal, were recently named Distinguished Research Professors during the University of Georgia's Honors Week celebration. 
Nick Robertson, this year’s University of Georgia Food, Agribusiness and Entrepreneurial Initiative (FABricate) winner, started Rare Combinations to develop an efficient, affordable alcohol percentage detector for beverage producers. The senior biochemical engineering major will receive a $10,000 investment toward his business from the contest. CAES News
FABricate Winner 2020
Many businesses are formed to solve problems for others, but one engineering student’s prize-winning idea spurred from a challenge he faced in his own kombucha business.
UGArden Farm Manager JoHannah Biang practices safety guidelines imposed due to the COVID-19 crisis while harvesting greens for distribution to food insecure families in the Athens, Georgia, area. CAES News
Feeding Souls
At UGArden, the University of Georgia’s student community farm, plots of lettuce, kale, beets, carrots and greens planted during the winter wait to be harvested. Despite the absence of dozens of student workers due to the campus closure prompted by the COVID-19 crisis, a handful of staff at the garden are keeping fresh produce flowing out into the community to benefit food-insecure families.
Georgia 4-H 1st Vistual Project Achievement CAES News
Virtual Project Achievement
More than 425 fourth, fifth and sixth graders participated in Georgia 4-H’s recent Virtual Cloverleaf Project Achievement contest. In response to the cancellation of five area Project Achievement contests due to the COVID-19 crisis, Georgia 4-H faculty and staff quickly developed the Virtual Project Achievement Contest.
Squash plants grow in the UGA Research and Education Garden. CAES News
Vegetable Gardening
While adults and children spend more time at home as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, planting a garden or container garden is a great activity to plan together. It’s outside, active, educational and edible. With some grocery stores taking longer than usual to stock some items, vegetable gardening is a great way to keep your refrigerator stocked.
UGA Extension will be celebrating thousands of volunteers on April 19-25 for Volunteer Appreciation Week. CAES News
Volunteer Appreciation Week
Throughout the week of April 19, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is honoring the thousands of volunteers who facilitate 4-H, Master Gardener and Family and Consumer Sciences programming on the county, district and state levels for Volunteer Appreciation Week.
In the spring, crape myrtles add color with flowers. In the fall, they add color with brightly colored leaves. CAES News
Crape Myrtles
Crape myrtles are one of my favorite landscape additions because they produce blooms that provide summer color, handle drought when established and, overall, have few issues with disease and insects.