News Stories - Page 120

Photo of a rain garden taken by North Carolina Cooperative Extension personnel. CAES News
Standing water can equal cleaner streams, better waterways
It’s raining in Georgia, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop. Instead of the drought levels and watering restrictions of years past, Georgians are now dealing with a yard-flooding abundance of rainfall.
Red and Yellow tulips planted in a bed on the UGA Athens campus. April 2008. CAES News
Georgia's green industry sees sunny horizon
Georgia’s green industry has suffered for several years under the strain of drought and related water restrictions. Continued economic woes, especially in the troubled housing industry, dampened recovery. But the future looks sunnier, according to a University of Georgia economist.
Georgia Organics conference in Athens Feb. 19-20
Anyone who wants to learn more about organic agriculture, food or see a sustainable farm in action should attend the 13th annual Georgia Organics Conference and Expo in Athens, Ga., Feb. 19-20.
Georgia Ag Hall of Fame nominees sought
Each year, the University of Georgia pays tribute to outstanding Georgia agricultural leaders by inducting them into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame
Snow coats leaves in March 2009 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Tender plants need winter protection
Don’t box up those old Christmas tree lights just yet. Along with old blankets, quilts and cardboard boxes, they could be the key to keeping tender plants from freezing this winter.
Register now for 2010 landscape update, certification training
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will hold the 2010 landscape updates and trainings January 15 and February 26 in Perry. The trainings will cover weed and insect control, soil compaction and thatch, small engine maintenance, cost management and pesticide recertification credits.