News Stories - Page 101

Tomatoes can be picked at breaker stage or later
Gardeners often argue about when tomatoes should be picked — when they’re ripe, almost ripe or green as the stalk that supports them.
A 10-by-14 structural frame greenhouse built with treated wood and commercial-grade plastic. CAES News
Backyard hobby greenhouses are the dream of many home gardeners
With a little effort and forethought, the dream of owning a hobby greenhouse can become reality.
Photo of nursery manager John Watson using IPMPro, a pest management app recently released by a team of researchers from a several different universities. CAES News
Land grant universities team up to create integrated pest management app
Green industry professionals often find themselves in the field needing immediate access to the latest pest and plant disease information and plant care recommendations, especially when they are caught off guard by destructive pests emerging in their area.
Freshly picked blueberries sit in baskets at the University of Georgia horticulture farm in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Blueberry farmers project 60 million pound blueberry harvest
It’s time to dust off those killer pie and muffin recipes. Georgia’s blueberry season is in full swing.
Shade grown peppers in Tifton research plot. Researcher: Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez. CAES News
Shading helps south Georgia pepper farmers beat the heat
As the seasons turn, commercial bell pepper growers in the Southeast share a common foe: the sun.
Tomatoes are the stars of many home gardens. CAES News
Tactics to improve this summer's tomato harvest
Few things in the garden seem to cause as much joy, heartbreak or anxiety as the fate of the summer’s backyard tomato harvest.