Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 30

990 results found for Lawn and Garden
Henbit - weed often found in turfgrass lawns CAES News
Winter Gardening
Remember, the best time to plant new trees and shrubs is in the fall or early winter. As far as pruning goes, the ideal time to prune fruit trees, landscape trees and shrubs is in late winter prior to bud break. It’s still too early to fertilize trees, shrubs and dormant lawns, like bermudagrass. Pre-emergent herbicides should be applied to lawns before annual weeds start to germinate.
Homegrown tomatoes are one of the most popular fruits available at roadside produce stands. CAES News
Tomato Varieties
Soon soil temperatures will be warm enough for planting those precious backyard tomatoes. Given the many options available, which variety and type of tomato should you choose?
Drip irrigation helps to keep soil and water from splashing on plants leaves, which helps cut down on plant disease. CAES News
Garden Irrigation
Many homeowners have a substantial investment in the various trees, shrubs and annuals in their landscape. Trying to keep these prized plants watered can sometimes be a challenge, especially in times of drought.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
Garden Placement
Selecting the best place to grow your garden is essential to producing high-yielding crops.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Seed Swap
It may be too cold in parts of Georgia to put plants in the ground, but it’s just the right time to start seedlings. Those looking for new varieties or just a little gardening inspiration can join gardeners from across northeast and middle Georgia at the Rock Eagle Seed Swap on Saturday, March 18.
Frost Warnings
With spring temperatures hitting Georgia in February this year, many gardeners may be itching to get their transplants in the ground or may have already planted some early crops.
Don't let fire ants ruin your afternoons. CAES News
Fire Ant Treatments
Nothing ruins a good cookout or run through the sprinklers like a mound of fire ants. With warmer weather around the corner, early spring is the time to tackle fire ant problems before they spoil summer fun.
Orange Storm is a doubled-flowered quince that's cold hardy from zones 5 through 9 and are deer resistant. CAES News
Double Take Storm
Double Take Storm flowering quinces have the most shocking blooms you ever imagined. Three selections from the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center are ‘Scarlet Storm,’ ‘Pink Storm’ and ‘Orange Storm.’ They are all double flowered and will cause you to first think of a camellia. With a group of three that now fall under a series called Double Take, you will most likely find Double Take ‘Scarlet Storm.’
The garden at the Scott Site at Rock Eagle 4-H Center produces between 500 and 2,000 pounds. This garden staff is hoping to collect heirloom seeds from middle Georgia gardeners to make next year's crop more-resilient and historically accurate. CAES News
Local Veggies
Nothing could be more local –or make you more of a locavore – than eating locally grown produce that comes from your own garden plot. You may be thinking that you don’t have room for a garden, but I assure you that the vegetable garden has become “sweet ‘n’ neat” over the past few years for a couple of reasons.
Leyland cypress trees grow as a property border in a lawn in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Conifers Under Pressure
Although Georgia has received rainfall over the past few weeks, most of the state is still in a drought. The rain has improved the situation, but whether the rainfall will continue is uncertain.