Browse Vegetables Stories - Page 8

164 results found for Vegetables
Amanda Miller sits next to her aquaponics system located behind the Future Farmstead on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Sustainable Aquaponics
University of Georgia Tifton Campus student Amanda Miller is educating her community about sustainability through aquaponics one homegrown meal at a time.
University of Georgia scientists on the Griffin campus are studying ways to plan fall vegetables directly into turfgrass lawns. The researchers hope to find a way to help suburbanites plant vegetables gardens and enjoy their lawns. CAES News
Lawn Gardens
A team of University of Georgia researchers is studying the use of home lawns as garden plots. If successful, suburbanites with warm-season lawns could plant fall vegetables on top of their turfgrass lawns.
Judy Harrison, UGA Extension food safety specialist, with the project she helped create: "Enhancing the Safety of Locally Grown Produce." CAES News
Food Safety Project

Shoppers expect food from local farmers markets to be healthier and safer than comparable items in the grocery store. A group of Southern university scientists are training farmers and market managers to help make that assumption a reality.

Caroline Daniel, of Terrell County, took home first place in the 2014 Georgia 4-H Pumpkin Growing Contest with her 430 pound pumpkin. CAES News
Great Pumpkins
The average Halloween carving pumpkin weighs 10 to 20 pounds, but with tender loving care the right pumpkin can grow to 10 to 20-times that size. That’s the goal Terrell County 4-H Club member Caroline Daniel set out to meet as she cared for her 430-pound, first-place winning pumpkin this fall.
Fresh vegetables at a vendor stand at the Athens Farmers Market in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Georgia Carrots
Carrots have a reputation of being difficult to grow in Georgia’s clay soils. With a little knowledge and a few tricks, University of Georgia Extension experts say home gardeners can have success cultivating carrots.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Fall Vegetables
As summer vegetables like corn and beans stop bearing, home gardeners can plant fall gardens filled with cool-season vegetables.
At Rock Eagle 4-H Center, students learn about pioneer life at the Scott Site. They pump water from a well, wash clothes on a washboard and gain an appreciation for modern-day life. This year, they planted a vegetable garden and provided produce for the center's dining hall. CAES News
Rock Eagle Garden
At Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Georgia students can get hands-on learning about pioneer life. Students pump water from a well, wash clothes on a washboard and gain an appreciation for modern day life. This year they planted vegetables that were served in the center’s dining hall.
A yellow squash matures on the vine of a squash plant growing in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Donate produce
Are you buried in vegetables from your overabundant garden harvest? It can happen. University of Georgia experts encourage home gardeners to donate their extra vegetables to the needy.
Squash vine borer larvae live inside the plant stem. One method of control is to physically cut open the stem and remove the tiny pest. First, create a slit parallel to the stem veins. Begin the slit at the frass-covered hole at the base of the plant and continue toward the tip of the vine until the borer is found and removed. Once the borer has been removed, cover the slit portion of the stem with soil and water it to encourage rooting. CAES News
Gardeners' enemy
Backyard squash growers may not agree on which variety is best, but they do agree on one thing – squash vine borers are the enemy.
If you want to develop a farm-to-school program at your child's school, county and state UGA Extension personnel are ready and willing to work with you and your child's teachers to move your farm-to-school efforts forward. Extension personnel can connect schools with local farmers, provide curriculum and instruction on nutrition education, and assist with the implementation of school gardens. CAES News
School Gardens
Heading back to class this fall will mean heading back to the school garden at hundreds of schools across Georgia.