Browse Vegetables Stories - Page 14

164 results found for Vegetables
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Trial gardens
Over the last three decades, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia have introduced home gardeners and landscape designers to thousands of new plant varieties.
Suspected 2,4-D herbicide damage on tomato. CAES News
Tomatoes susceptible to herbicides for turf and pastures
Home gardeners often inadvertently and unknowingly damage their vegetables with herbicides.
Red, pink or green?
Gardeners often argue about when tomatoes should be picked — when they’re ripe, almost ripe or green as the stalk that supports them.
Squash vine borer larva inside squash vine. CAES News
Tips and tricks to beating the squash vine borer
You can have tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers galore; but no backyard garden is complete without summer squash.
A European Pepper Moth found in Tifton, Ga. in October 2011. CAES News
New invasive species spotted in 2011
A new insect thought to threaten Georgia's pepper production at the moment poses a greater danger to lantana - a popular landscape plant.
Early blight on a tomato leaf CAES News
Early blight
Every year home gardeners call their University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office to ask, "What's causing my tomatoes to fire up?" This is how most people describe a disease known as early blight.
Shade grown peppers in Tifton research plot. Researcher: Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez. CAES News
Longer, improved pepper production with shade cloth
As the seasons turn, commercial bell pepper growers in the Southeast share a common foe: the sun.
Tomatoes are the stars of many home gardens. CAES News
Backyard tomato tactics
Few things in the garden seem to cause as much joy, heartbreak or anxiety as the fate of the summer’s backyard tomato harvest.
Fire ants scurry along a piece of wood CAES News
Fire ant invaders
Vegetable gardens and compost piles are usually located in the sunniest part of the landscape. Unfortunately, fire ants like sunshine, too. They often invade compost piles and vegetable gardens seeking food, warmth and moisture.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Heirloom seeds
Heirloom plant varieties introduce new crop diversity into gardens, but they also give gardeners a broader view of history and the lives of their ancestors.